I went to look at the new Toyota Matrix.
20 fucking miles per gallon!
it’s a four cylinder, for fuck’s sake!
I went to look at the new Toyota Matrix.
20 fucking miles per gallon!
it’s a four cylinder, for fuck’s sake!
there is your first problem
Honestly not trying to be a dick… but aren’t you like eleventeen billiondy dollars upside down on the Scion? Just keep it, pay as much as you can ever month and get it paid off before you even think about another switch.
i drive fantastically boring cars… four doors and a hatch is ideal for me. i don’t like german cars, so that leaves me with the matrix/vibe, the ugly nissan versa, the overpriced (but excellent) honda fit, and various korean cars that’ll depreciate insanely.
we’re running into problems with my scion that might leave me without a car. the dealership fucked up some paperwork, leaving my car untitleable (for the forseeable future), which makes registration impossible (my plate still comes back as registered to my old suzuki). they’ve already put fraudulent inspection/emissions stickers on it. we’re working with an attorney, but after months of trying there has been no progress.
so i’m looking at cars again, just in case i’m put in a position soon where i have to turn my car in and buy something else immediately.
see above post.
Oh snap… crazyness!
I still say the Fit is the perfect car for you, even if it is overpriced (as you say above). Are they selling that well? Any chance you can get a left-over '07 at a big discount?
if your looking at a Xr 6 speed then yes it gets 20mpg and requires atleast 89 octane.
good motor its in the newer celica gts’s but the car itself is hella ugly.
i don’t know if there are leftover Fits.
i really have no idea what i’m going to do. one of the scenarios leaves me without the scion, with all of the payments i’ve made on the car going towards the negative equity i had in the loan ($4500 paid towards $7500 neg equity). if i get out of this with $3000 in negative equity, i’d probably ask my parents for the cash to pay that off and just buy something i really like in cash. i’m talking about a lot of “ifs”, but if that happens i’d probably try to buy the cleanest, stockest, newest EK hatch I can find.
i really have no clue at this point. i do know that the registration sticker on the plate of the car i’m illegally driving is only good for three more months.
nope. the new matrix is the 2.4.
I doubt there are leftover 07 Fits considering there were 3 month waiting periods to get them.
We’re really happy with our Fit. 30,000 miles on it already and not a problem at all. No complaints either.
well if the dealership fucked up…WHY OH WHY are you paying the price for it? threaten to call the news channels if you already haven’t…if that doesn’t do anything…actually call them…dealerships will do virtually ANYTHING in their power to NOT look bad
fuck em drive it through the showroom window
Mazdaspeed3? Or are you forever trying to keep it under 100whp?
ew that sucks…
Yeah why the fuck are you paying anything if they fucked up? Pay nothing and get a fat discount on a new car for them fucking with you like that.
So, will you get back the money you spent on this? It seems they didn’t sell you a car, so they shouldn’t get their end of it. Be a nice chunk to put down on something, don’t you think?
If they balk at that, then I’d bring up the fact that they not only committed criminal and fraudulent acts, but that the courts, DOT, and news channels would all have a field day with that kind of info.
As long as they’re fucking you, they could at least give you the courtesy of a reacharound. Right?
Under EPA’s proposal, the new fuel economy estimates would be lower for most vehicles. This is not because auto makers have designed the same vehicles to be less fuel efficient—it is because our new test methods take into account factors that have been missing or not fully accounted for in the current tests. Because some vehicles are more sensitive to these factors than others, the impact of the proposed changes will vary from vehicle to vehicle. The city MPG estimates for conventional (non-hybrid) vehicles would drop on average by about 10-20 percent from today’s labels, while the highway estimates would drop by about 5-15 percent, depending on the vehicle.
In diving, the pressure inside the lungs must effectively equal the pressure outside the body, otherwise the lungs collapse. Mathematically speaking, if the diver is f feet (or m meters) deep, and the air pressure at the water surface is p bar (usually p = 1, but less at high-altitude lakes such as Lake Titicaca), he must breathe fluid at a pressure of f/33+p = m/10+p bar.
well these just came into the US.