Track Day Dilemma

As does everything in life it boils down to money, and I have the following options:

-Rock the WRX on snow tires,buy a new set of pads, possibly run out of money for the week

-Take Joe’s $5 offer for my track day slot.

-Be a bitter asshole refuse the $5, and eat $170 for the registration

Thought’s opinions. Anyone with a spare set of tires/pads for the WRX?

going broke gets easier and easier every time.

So, can I return brake pads if they fall apart the next day. :wink:

Joe who?

EDIT: quick response, i was just looking at that

uh, for $5 i’d just eat the $170. couldn’t have been serious.

Dunno his names Joe on the board. XD


Sell it to skunk for 20 bux then he can borrow more money from Jesse

Sucks, but sometimes you just have to realize that something might not have been a wise investment. I wouldn’t go more in debt trying to go in another car if finances are that tight.

At the same time, I’d eat the $170 before I paid $165 to send someone else to a track day.

If my car were together Id buy it, but thats not much help.

If all else fails, sell it for $5.

Eating $165 > Eating $170


Put tires and pads on a credit car and go have fun. If you got hit by a bus on Saturday then at least you got to go to the track day.

Go to the track day. You have Subaru roadside don’t you?

Don’t take this the wrong way but, if you can’t even buy brake pads you should NOT be on a track.
This DE could cost you a lot more than just brake pads.

My 2 cents.

I…wouldn’t hit a track on snow tires.

buy pads

stop along the way at a scooby dealer …

steal wheels tires

use stolen wheels / tires for track day

return home

sell stolen items


^^ Unless it was covered in dirt and or snow…

running out of money for the week on a friday isn’t that bad of a thing

i think he means for the week FOLLOWING track day …

going 3/4/5 days w/o any $ sucks

Put it on your Credit card and pay for it for the next year. Paypal lets you pay for just about anything on your card.

x… :smiley:

I like butter. :tup:

If you can’t afford tires for your DD I’d stay away from the track with it.

Try to get ahold of either Hybrid or Innovative. I know between the two there are some spare scooby wheels/tires on rims.

They may be crap but better than chunking up snows.

You can get by on street pads, but like I said before an extra cheap set of pads is good insurance, and you could always return them if you did not use them.

Even if you start to feel fad, just come in early. You do not have to be out there your entire session.

Some track time > no track time at all.