Track Day Dilemma

word…no one said u have to be out all the time…

I can lend you some money for pads/food/living

This track day has 911 written all over it.:biglaugh:
I hope someone gets video of it.

-Cut credit card in half a few months back.
-Just got call to make $50 fixing a computer
-Calling Hybrid/Innovative
-Existing pads are new so I can possibly get away with it.
-If shit breaks I drop the new seal in the taurus and rock that as a DD. Weight reduction - Better milage anyways, at least that is what I can tell the police officer. Plus enough spare parts to build 2 cars. :tup:

Whats ur lug pattern

Devin its Joe that used to work with you at Client Logic, i had the green f-body at that time.

I’ll make it easier on you, I can’t get off work on Friday so my offer is withdrawn.

Thank you.


I’m not going to run the full day anyways. A good portion is going to be spent getting somedude’s tranny programmed for track usage to get full potential out of it.

Assuming we can find a laptop of course.


word. do it, youve already paid. Do it do it

and what type of laptop would you need, my good sir? I may be able to hook ya up

Might have already found something to do it already just needed something with USB. I’m at work now though so it’s hard to tell.

feel free to borrow my cheap yet decent dell (few year old latitude iirc).

pmz meh fuh a meat up

Dont beat on your cars.

Rent a car and hammer the shit out of it.:tup:

Cadillac or Lincoln FTW.