Trading in the Si possibly....

sometimes, but it could also be a manufacturers defect, although HIGHLY unlikely…

pretty much, if you get in an accident and its not because someone ran into you, then its your fault, no matter the circumstances. the end.

in this situation audi>bmw

Yess…msg me later :hug

Im pretty sure the accident occured during a snowstorm…so…

Eff this Beemer / Audi noise, there’s only one way to go if you can’t swing maintenance!

Safe, reliable, and cost efficient…

My vote!!

I wrecked my CRX in a ice storm. I was going well below the posted speed limit and ran off the road into a tree. Whos fault was it? mine. If you wreck because of bad conditions it simply means you were going too fast or shouldn’t have been out at all. Its still driver error.

anyway, we’re way off topic once again…


You guys really think I’m blaming the accident on FWD? Dude it’s a joke, you guys are retarded.

There was another vehicle involved, like I said, you’re wrong. It’s okay.

^ im used to it.:lol

a man hits a woman with a car. who’s fault is it??

it’s the man’s fault for driving in the kitchen.

If your going to buy a BMW, 2006 or newer, get a CPO with the maintenance plan. If you don’t you’ll regret it. You’ll only have to pay for gas and tires when you need them. That’s it. They even replace wiper blades for you and take care of all of your $150 oil changes. If your worried about maintenance then don’t buy a high mileage vehicle, whether it be a BMW or Audi, trust me I’ve owned both.

$150 oil change for real? Are they killing the dinosaurs in front of you?

Damn tricia how many car thread you going to make :lol

The cheapest I’ve seen the deals do the for is around $75, but that was a few years ago. They usually get you for 6.5 quarts of oil or so, the filter, and .5 hours labor. They probably are more realistically between $100-130 a pop.

Damn, fuck that. Take it to Jiffy Lube instead or better yet change it yourself.

It costs me less than $25 for 7 quarts and a filter for my truck and thats semi-synthetic oil.

I’m not worried about the maintenance part at all, and I do my own oil changes so its a lot cheaper. I drove the audi and didn’t like it as much as the BMW… I’m working out a deal tomorrow for it…I’m in love lol…so much nicer than the Si !

If you take a vehicle to a dealer outside of it’s warranty for service, and it’s not a specific dealer-only service, then you’re either dumb or have too much money to spend.

An oil change on damn near any BMw can be done for ~$50 using quality oil.

You needing to sell stuff to come up with money for a ticket=you can’t afford this car.

The late 05-06 and newer BMW’s no longer have a dipstick to check your oil. It’s done through your iDrive, or a service indicator, on the dash, for vehicles not equipped with the iDrive. This makes doing your own oil changes that much more complicated.

Umm…wrong:Idiots if u had read the thread, its not that I didnt have the money to pay for the ticket due to my income, it was that it was sprung on me last minute, and I had not saved for it due to thinking it was taken care of. Thank u. I do not try to buy cars I cannot afford. I take home around $500 a wk…with only $600 a month in bills…do the math.