trail riding saturday

oh i’m just sayin.

going to hafto make it 12:30 saturday…I have stuff I need to do in the morning

hopefully i won’t get too bombed friday night. i’m gonna try not too:lol

There are all kinds of trails. Some easy enough. Some are hard. The hill he is taking about it prolly snot hill. All clay, steep, washed out and if it is wet, forget about it! we took 12 quads out on a ride and even 4wd machines were having problems. took 2 hours to get us all up it. But I know of ways around these shitty spots. Just go and have fun! We will help you get around the shit if you dont think you can do it, no big deal.

yup thats it…theirs a stream at the bottom correct? both sides going in and coming out are nearly straight up with clay…it was about to pour out and as soon as we got to the top of it, it started pouring…we thought we were going to get stuck there! I climbed it on my 250R.

LOL pete is doneeee, maybe paul too. Not such a noob friendly trail. I remember my dad taking me through there and to the pit when I had my old KX85 and him and his buddy had their YZ450F’s…sucked, for me atleast! lol

i prolly won’t go up it then lol

Im still down.

I hit some trails tonight up in Lake Desolation and they certainly werent beginner trails. Ruts, rocks and mud everywhere. Got stuck a few times but thats to be expected with mud on a 2wd.

Some parts of where I rode were logging trails with huge ruts from heavy equipment.

I made it out alive.

Im still planning on heading up there.

Watch out, Paul will offer you a liquid substance, that appears to be water. You will sniff it just to make sure, b/c we all know Paul is pretty sketchy. When you do yo ushall realize that it is indeed chloroform, and by the time you think “OH FUCK”, its too late. He will be plungering your ass with his anemic penis. And you will wake up with a sore ass, no gas, and the tires stripped off of your quad.

You’ve been warned!


I had to pick Adam up after Paul pulled that stunt on him.

Ive never been the same…:ahh

WTF? I dont remember that.
Damn I need to stop smoking so much crack.

No wonder why my balls itch.

go check your video camera

I dont own one

hush fool

your coming saturday or what?>?>

he’s going to need the day to recover from partying tomorrow…

i plan on making it to the party then riding sat but i’m not gonna go too wild.

So where and when are we meeting up?

idk. you tell me

If you’re going to be riding on state land. Do you guys have your stuff registered and insured. I don’t think dirtbikes can be regi’ed in NYS. Just wondering.