trail riding saturday

+1 Ive been wondering that too… Howmany people actually bother registering their shit? I was thinking about registering my quad but it seems like a pain in the ass cause i dont have any paperwork for it, so id have to take it to a police station and have a cop do a vin verification on it, wich theyd have to just write the vin down and sign the paper… once i have that done i can get it registered, but im worried cause what if it comes up as a stolen quad at the dmv lol

not possible for me…I have a custom framed quad (aftermarket frame) so VIN numbers dont exist on my quad…couldnt register it if I wanted too…

every quad I have ever owned has never been registered…same goes for my dads quad, and all my sisters bikes.

want to meet up around 12:15 at exit 10 hess??

I am in with my buddy for sure. Exit 10 Hess is a good spot., thats the one off ushers rd, just past the bridge over the north way right? 12:15 sounds good to me.

I just cleaned and wd40’d my entire bike, MUD here I come! I am actually worried about that hill too! I have yet to tackle it on a 2wheeler yet!

yah thats the hess…

I will have a black 1500 with a yellow quad with k&K flame graphics on it

im hoping its not that muddy…I hate getting my shit dirty lol

That works for me. Post here if anything changes.

And my quad is filthy. It seems like every time I wash the damn thing it gets dirty 5 minutes into riding it. I dont mind mud at all. Ill wear my fishing boots and Ill be fine.

Cool. We will be there. white f150, my ktm and coreys blue yfz.

Ohh and IROC is coming with his pops on 2 dirt bikes too.

Ive also got a white F150 and Ill have a white Outlaw 500 covered in mud in the bed.

Well that was interesting. It was fun while it lasted though. Sure didnt expect getting shot at.

Nice meeting you guys that I didnt know before. I dont know if anybody I hadnt met before besides kkkustom posts here though.

aaaww, just saw this…

you guys all ride 4wheelers?

2 dirt bikes and the rest of us had quads

Yeah dude it was nice to meet some new people. Aparently the trails are being shut down. About 4 new yuppie houses were built and moved in right next to the trails, i am sure they complained about shit too. Halfmoon built a bike path in the way of where you usually headed to the sand pit. Once we got to the big sand pit, we got shot at by some fucking redneck farmers on top of the pit. they fired off about 20 rounds with rifles and a few louder sg blasts. So we left.

What is fucking bullshit is that the trails are all WELL established. 10 foot wide bermed, and there were plenty of tracks in the sand. While we stopped we saw 6 more bikes and quads that got nabed and turned around to head back. I bet someone got hurt in the big sand pit and started shit with the owners and fucked it for everyone else. i rode there 2 summers ago every other week, and met alot of people. the pit allways had 4-20 other people there.

bummer, i guess check that one off the list aswell.

Did you guys see the house and garage, maybe 4 or 5 up on the left with 4-5 dirtbikes? I thought about stopping and asking them whats up.

where to ride now? i liked that place =/

thats the way its been there for 3-4 yrs now .i always rode there, the redneck shooting is a friend of mine “he is a crackhead” he is cool as long as he knows ya or someone your with thats why i didnt care to get another bike or qua ya cant ride without harrasment without truckin somewheres far

I did and I thought the same thing but kept driving.

Yeah it sucks Pete, there are some nice fast trails in the beginning, corey is talking to the guy who lives in town there to see what he thinks is going on.

88Slow: He had like 9 other “friends” there. Your land or not, it is pretty fucked up shooting at/in the air on a group of people. If you have a problem with someone, get on a atv or something ( I am sure they have some transportation to get into the pit) and talk to them, dont fucking shoot at them! It isnt Texas. I am sure someone here can state the laws of firing a fire arm, and I am sure some were broken. Yes were were trespassing, but I would rather pay that fine, than go to jail or get sued.

I dont think they own the pit anyway, just the land overlooking it. Seems like a sand/gravel company would own the pit, like the sand pits near my house (not a good spot to ride anymore either).

Ive never had any kind of trouble riding in Rotterdam along power lines and railroad tracks.

unf it is his land so he is in the right ,do i agree with it no …like i said he is a crackehead and he is a paranoid motherfucker ,thats why i dont go there much anymore listen to me one of these days go there tell him your friends with scott swatling and john ask him if ya can ride the pit he will prolly let ya as long as your cool with him

Cool 88, thanks for the hook up and lookin out for us.