TrailBlazer SS

P I M P. Pretty soon some Firehawk parts are gonna find there way into the SS…

That is probably one of the only SUV’s I actually like. Very hot.

Spray it :lol:

what does one of them hogs weigh?

Sweet, I wanted the SS soo bad when i bought mine, just couldn’t afford it. Check out if you haven’t already.

nice truck man :tup:

Lookin Good Chuck! Lookin good.

I actually baught it sight unseen, no test drive nothin. I knew thats want i wanted tho, and if the price was right it was mine, so everything worked out. It was a toss up between the 2WD or the AWD. The 2WD one i was looking at was an 06, but in the end I figured an 07 with AWD was the way to go.

Hopefully Derek will be around this week to do some tint, cause it needs it BAD, other than that, maybe some snky :tspry: but nothing too drastic…it’s only the daily :wink:

excellent buy chuck :smiley:

Everyone I’ve known that has bought one really loves it.

Pimp as fuuuuuck. :tup: Nice buy!

nice buy man!

<<<< very pissed that you have this … and lets tint those bitches tomarrow …

Oh … and turn off that torque management … ill also get you in touch with my friend that works for GMMG

I’ll be out of town until sunday morning, have to attend a wedding in Albany. But check ur PM :slight_smile:

if he had a GMMG style exhaust on there id be fucking dying to hear it

the only company so far that makes a complete setup for that truck is Stainless Works

I was thinking the samething

can I ask what your montly payment is?? u out 2500 down plus a trade in??? my buddy is looking to get one

can I ask what your montly payment is?? u out 2500 down plus a trade in??? my buddy is looking to get one

Time for the D1SC Procharger. Seen this truck the first night and it is hot. :tup:

very nice…even though its your DD, id like to line up sometime in the spring. been wating to try my luck at one of these for a while.

o and now that you have a truck, check out

:tup: very nice…congrats on the new DD

just please though…PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE…just do me one favor…PLEASE do not drive it like every other dick i’ve seen with one…every time i see one of them, the driver’s driving like a complete ass, flooring it EVERYWHERE from every light, around every turn…i almost got hit by one downtown wednesday night that decided it was appropriate to floor it turning off of Chippeawa onto Franklin, tires screaming, of course with drunk people all around him, very smart…


that is all i ask…

but again, sick new ride, congrats…