tranny stickin in reverse

the one car im goin to look at has a tranny that sometimes sticks in reverse…wat excatly does this mean…is it something i should be worried about? if that means it needs a rebuild how much does that cost.

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what kind of car? what transmission? is it auto or manual? is this real?

240sx, manual, yes

240 = sackrider car.

get a real car.

like an fbod.

Probably a syncro (assuming the 240 has a reverse syncro). Unless you know someone capable of rebuilding the trans cheap, transmission rebuilds are expensive. Probably cheaper/easier to find a used trans that works fine and simply swap it out.

word, 240 trans can be had for nearly nothing. i had a spare, but i chucked it a while back.

well, you have to remember, it is a 13 year old car. and regardless of that, with the budget that you have, i think no matter what you end up with, it will have some glitches in it. like i was telling you before, it could just be something stupid (like something may need to be adjusted, or the fluid might be a bit low or something simple like that) but even if its not, it only sticks ‘sometimes’ for now, and if you do loose reverse completely, its only reverse. you should be able to drive without it, as long as you have your forward gears, you will be ok. incomvenient, yes. gonna prevent you from driving the car at all, no. and like enwmman said, those trannys can be had for pretty cheap used, so if you go to look at the car and thats the only issure with it, i wouldnt let it keep you from buying the car.

it only sticks 1 out of every 10 times he says and if u put it in gear first then reverse it doesnt do it

o its prob ok then and thats just what you’re supposed to do. i had to do that on my Porsche otherwise it would grind going into reverse sometimes. my friend has a 5.0 'stang, and he has to do the same thing or it grinds and/or sticks.

^^^ive had my truck over a year now and ever since i got it it sometimes wouldnt go in reverse so id have to stick it in first then go to reverse. no big deal i wouldnt be worried about it.