A’ight guys, so I’m going to do KA-T and I decided since it’s winter and i want this to be a fun project, why not rebuild the Tranny and make it abit stronger and hopefully a bit better… SO I couldn’t find any sort of “how to” on here… but has anyone rebuilt a KA tranny in edmonton b4? whats some helpful tips and tricks… and IS there anything i can do to it??? im kinda a N00b at this so help me out …
A tranny rebuild is not something a self-proclaimed n00b should undertake.
Nobody rebuilds these trannies anyway. Just replace it. They pop-up for $75-100 all the time.
Yup definetly don’t try it yourself (unless you have another one already lying around) they can be tricky. Then again auto’s are way worse than standards.
Are you planning on making 500+ hp…If not dont worry about it. Worry about setting up the turbo and what kind of fuel managment you will be using.
why? i have 2 for spares… lol blow it up then worry about it. KAT dont make enough TQ to break anything, just do the SR. :E
SR Vs. KA hahaha i just want to rebuild it as a learning experiance… and hey if put 20 bucks into it maybe i can make it so i never need 2 spairs… this is just a fun project
Re-building a transmission is not a fun job. To make it any stronger than it already is, your going to need to dump alot of money into it, and $20 will get you NOTHING.
I think you need to re-evaluate you priorities somewhat. The transmission is quite strong as it is, essentially the same tranny was used for the sr, ka, and vg30e. Like Flavio said, you won’t be making 500+ hp so I wouldn’t worry about it.
If you want a fun project, try slipping the z32 final drive into your s13 diff.
Re-building a transmission is not a fun job. To make it any stronger than it already is, your going to need to dump alot of money into it, and $20 will get you NOTHING.
Thats not true… $20 should get him some new gearlube!
Eff yea!!! yay for lube! haha
and yea honestly if i fail and rebuilding the tranny i dont care… i just want the experiance of doing it… and again if i do it right, maybe ill NEVER have to do it again … lol
Re-building a transmission is not a fun job. To make it any stronger than it already is, your going to need to dump alot of money into it, and $20 will get you NOTHING.
Thats not true… $20 should get him some new gearlube![/quote]
Not once you add on the enviro fees and shit. :lol:
For sure theres nothing wrong with trying, but I can’t stress enough, have a bckup ready when it doesn’t work. If you pull it apart and get it all back together, and it works then BONUS! But theres always that chance…
For sure theres nothing wrong with trying, but I can’t stress enough, have a bckup ready when it doesn’t work. If you pull it apart and get it all back together, and it works then BONUS! But theres always that chance…[/quote]
Werd, i took mine apart when reverse went and when i put in the new part and put everything back together i just hoped it would work. For the price of the broken part and all the work involved i wish i would have just bought a used one.
Has anyone actually taken one of these apart b4? can anyone give me a run down at what im potentially getting myself into?
Did you read my post? There are alot of pins that have to be removed and re assembly must be done in a certain order or you will have to take the entire thing apart again.
Why bother… It’s not like a Computer. Have you every seen inside real tranny before? Well if you decide to do this go pick up a old ford tranny or something. Why destroy a working tranny?
Not to mention you need a press to press all the bearings off the shafts… I guess if you wanted to go hardcore you could shotpeen and nitrate the shafts. The guys on FA are making a kit for the KA-T guys, an adapter kit so the Z32 300ZX tranny can bolt up to it. Maybe invest in that…
There’s a dude on 240sxforums that is selling a Z32 tranny adaptor for the SR as well. I could see if you were blowing up one transmission a month or something, but for the cost of a Z32 trans you might as well just throw a new used S car tranny in your car every year. They are sooo cheap. And thats a good thing.
quick question on the KA tranny, can you add a 6th gear to it? I’ve heard of it being done before, just wondering if anyone knew anything about it.
It can be done, but it would hardly be worth the money. strength and reliability of the tranny would be some major concerns doing something like that.
Ok then, I wont rebuild this tranny… ill just keep it as a spair… but since its out… would it be smart to change the syncro’s in it? again ive never touched a tranny b4… so if it requires pullin the whole thing apart or not… i dont know