Travel Question

As some of you probably have read on my other post that i’m going to Charlotte on Thursday. Im flying JetBlue and have the following question. My buddy who lives in Charlotte loves Molson Canadian Light but the availability is scarce. Can I pack a 30 pack in my luggage (Not My Carry On) or would I be better off shipping a couple cases down via Fedex???

if its cans sometimes they explode… also last time i had bottles of beer in my suitcase they opened up my luggage but i believe they left the beer in there…

Shouldn’t be a problem if it’s going in the cargo hold.

Im thinking FedEx will be the better option for a few resons. Reason One…all my shit being ruined by a beer breaking in my suitcase. Reason Two…I don’t like doing wash. Reason Three…I work at FedEx and shipping will be cheap plus I can declare value if a can does explode. Any other beer shipping experiences will be much appreciated and probably a good read.

My Grandpa used to carry on a 24 pack of MCL bottles for my Aunt in Florida as his carry on…of course pre 9-11…lol!!!

I’d recommend Fedex. If you do take it on the plane, leave everything sealed (cardboard and all), and protect it with clothing or blankets. I have taken beer though as cargo before. Most of the time it’s okay, but usually shaken pretty well. I had a bottle break once that was in the middle of all my clothing. Airtran FTL.

They have Labatt at Tavern on the Tracks down there. Not sure about Molson though.