Traveling 2800 miles, what do I take?

have one of your friends drive their car?

Your friends dont have a nicer car? problem! get a different set of friends?

judging by your internet persona- my guess is finding anybody else who will tolerate you for 2800 miles is going to be nearly impossible… my next suggestion would be AAA card (and a digital camera with a 2gb card so you can capture all the fail for us to see)

Yup forgot that, getting some water/red bull and snacks :slight_smile:

I have American Express gold for my towing needs :wink:

Traveling with a full gas can, with the exception of off roading when you have mounts to keep the can outside the vehicle, is just retarded.

^yea, thats why they give you a gas tank :wink:

Lol. This

Oh, how could I forget. V1. Southern cops see Yankee plates as dollar signs.

at least 4 to 5 bottles of jack

If it’s a 540 then a water pump,fan clutch, t-stat, expansion tank and a radiator.

Seriously, WTF?

Last time I drove a long distance I think I checked the washer fluid… maybe. lol

Sounds like big trouble. You’re going to need plenty of legal advice before this thing is over. As your attorney, I advise you to rent a very fast car with no top. And you’ll need the cocaine. Tape recorder for special music. Acapulco shirts.

columbian bam bam.


I will speak for myself and prob. walter, please don’t stop here in Atlanta.

But with that said, where are you planning on staying. Can tell you if its a decent area or not.


rofl @ some of these responses.

Take a blanket or two in cause you get stranded and it takes AAA over an hr to get to you.
And CDs, commercial radio sucks

2799 mile long noose. Don’t stop until you get there.

Shovel, Ice scrapper/brush & AAA. Thats all. LOL.

Got my self 9500I last friday just for this purpose :slight_smile:

Not sure yet we are staying at my friends house for a night, maybe we do some pulls or are you skarred? Then we are going to Miami beach @ some hostel.

Don’t drive like an ass down here to warn you. Lots of cops and they might not be to friendly!

I have my pussy inspector badge handy for any incidents such as this one.