Trip across USA?

Only 22mpg??? That sucks, my 7 passenger, 320hp truck gets better than that!

It’s the f’in gearing on this thing. At 75mph (which I will be doing more than :lol), I’m at like 3100rpm.

My Maxima (smaller VQ motor) was like 2400 at the same speed.

Although, that 22-23mpg is with our roads here (hilly)…perhaps out in the midwest in the plains I could squeeze out 24-25.

The MPG’s on this car is the ONLY issue I have with it. I freakin love this car otherwise.

I was going to do it, took over 3 weeks off from work and decided the trip would suck doing it alone especially if something happened.

My plan was to haul ass and get to the South West ASAP. Then see monument valley, grand canyon, Vegas, death valley, LA, pacific coast highway, etc. basically spend as much time possible in the south west as I’ve seen most of the eastern side of the Mississippi. I was going to take I40 all the way.

I’ve always wanted to go to Chicago, then go to CA on as much of Route 66 as is still driveable, then to Bonneville for Speed Week, then though the southwest and back up the east coast into NY again.

So let’s go. I’ll be your date.

If I had the time again this year I would.
Trip would definitely be epic, even from a photo stand point alone. I was going to take some back road highways and go across the Hoover dam too. The route I had planned for Death Valley would involve taking Titus Canyon Road, which is a dry canyon just wide enough for a truck and crosses from Nevada to California. Alabama Hills just outside of Lone Pine CA were used in many westerns, I even found the Motel used in the Devils Rejects movie in Lancaster CA and I was going to check that out too. Tons of shit to see out there.

I contemplated hitting Bonneville up and taking 80 or 90 back east for a change of scenery.

What i would do to drive across the country.

Join the OLOA and run the car. No better way to view 5K miles worth of the USA than by tucking along behind a group of Swiss drivers hucking through the back roads at triple digits :rofl

On a serious note, this is something I’d like to do but would span it out over a couple weeks min. Trying to cram it in during anything less timewise just makes it stressful

woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah

so I still have a chance of taking Ilya’s virginity???


Only if you tint your windows Lance. Otherwise, I want nothin to do with you.

yes, yes you do. but you better hurry, as i hear the Fizzle is on his way over there now.

You don’t get to be in on the joke.


Every damn time :facepalm:facepalm

I don’t understand.


You try way to hard to fit in here :facepalm

Id love to drive across the country someday. I really want to drive down route 66 or whats left of it anyway.

Id definitely take my truck, a vehicle I like driving and not some rental car shitbox that gets better mileage.

Here is some motivation for you Ilya


How about in just 10 days to go around the world?
