Trooper Checkpoint on Route 7 Today

wow you have your head in the gutter thats not true but proves my point on how each cop interprets it differntly :retardclap
as long as the exhaust piping and routing follow and exit in the same manner. Use the same style muffler its legal for aftermarket. What is illegal is if you put a glasspack on when it the vehicle didnt have one, or if a vehicle exited at the rear and you have side exit or if it was originally single exhaust and you modify it for true duals and etc…:shifty

but aftermarket “direct bolt ins” are legal. the companies even gaurantee it when it says 50 state smog legal you send in the reciept and the ticket and they’ll pay the ticket… (in other words it wont happen cuz companies dont want to pay)

+1 .

+2 .


Direct bolt ins are NOT legal if they exceed the OE rated volume spec, which 99% of them do.

Section 375. Equipment.

Subsection 31. Mufflers and exhaust systems. Prevention of noise.
Every motor vehicle, operated or driven upon the highways of the state, shall at all times be equipped with an adequate muffler and exhaust system in constant operation and properly maintained to prevent any excessive or unusual noise and no such muffler or exhaust system shall be equipped with a cut-out, bypass, or similar device.

No person shall modify the muffler or exhaust system of a motor vehicle in a manner which will amplify or increase the noise emitted by the motor or exhaust system of such vehicle above that emitted by the muffler or exhaust system originally installed on the vehicle and such original muffler and exhaust system shall comply with all the requirements of this section.

A muffler is a device consisting of a series of chambers or baffle plates, or other mechanical design for the purpose of receiving exhaust gas from an internal combustion engine, and effective in reducing noise.

An exhaust system is a series of mechanical devices for the purpose of receiving exhaust gas from an internal combustion engine and expelling it into the atmosphere.

+1 drats :shifty some are legit but the 1st sentence I dont like…

You are a moron. ANY aftermarket exhaust of ANY kind is illegal! The only thing you can have legally is what came on the car from the factory.

nope buster.:crazy than my whole cars illegal it didnt come with pink primer, mickey thompsons or a driveshaft safety loop, a tuned ecm, a big scoop on my hood or a trashed interior wow…:rofl:lol

I’d neg rep you but I fulfilled my neg rep for you already :lol

mark who is gonna pull u over, your driving a legit car and prolly like a grandmother :lol

your boring, your bed times, your driving, just boring:tongue

/pwned !

ahhhahahaha nice post , must be nice to be white !

i get pulled over all the time and i think i been pulled over twice for speeding for real, the rest was excuses and MORE OFTEN than not i been searched :smiley:

shit 6 hours before i left the country i got fuckin searched driving my brothers car they took everything out of the car even the floor mats LOL found nothing durrrrrrrrrrr

w00t too bad u cant speak for all of us

anyways i would/will be avoiding all checkpoints and cops in general thanks

Ill admit that Im very boring.

:lol but… its like… your trademark, on the forums at least

according to section 31 my mufflers arent even mufflers, no baffles :number1 :lol:lol:lol:lol

[QUOTE=Singh;342491]mark who is gonna pull u over, your driving a legit car and prolly like a grandmother :lol

your boring, your bed times, your driving, just boring:tongue

[/QUOTE=Singh;342491] I got pulled over the other day for my tints :rofl and so what if I drive slow, save money on gas and no risk of having to pay speeding tickets man.

I cant afford tickets and I need my license for work since Im a delivery driver. Not worth the risk most of the time.

i leave my windows down as much as i can actually, so no tint tickets when its nice outside

I use to to do that but it defeats the purpose when you try to stay cool with the ac on, in a sunny day I had like 80% but took it off

ah, see i dont mind the heat. if my car’s parked i dont want the sun warming it up inside too much. i like warm weather.

oh boy… RADAR is an acronym for Radio Detection And Ranging. its all based off how long it takes for the signal to bounce back from the oncoming/passing object to the instrument transmitting the signal.
speed = time required to cover a specific distance.

Just because a muffler says “50 state legal” doesnt mean you cant get a ticket for it…ask me how i know :lol