troy city robbed

The people bite back? Lol

link doesn’t work

haha, crazy.

MY man! /denzel. Lol

Works on my phone, hmm… Its on front page of

I would never accept a personal check for anything over 500 dollars, and we always verify funds with the bank before accepting the check, its his own fault for being dumb.

I didn’t know anybody accepted personal checks any more w/o some sort of hold or verification period. His own fault your right

Def owner’s fault! Anytime I have bought anything with a personal check, theres a 7-10 day waiting period, before you can ake the item. What an Idiot

I don’t accept a personal check from anyone except my grandmother… because I know she has the money to back up the check. :rofl

oh well… that place sucks…

I’m totally surprised someone took the time to sell him a motorcycle!!!

Lolz x2

Kinda ironic/whatever that he wrecked the ‘stolen’ bike

funny shit.

$7,596 for a ninja 650!!! what a rippoff! oh wait…

that sucks…dumb to take the check though

hahaha +rep great movie

thats too funny

from what ive heard troy city rips ppl off anyways

Troy City sucks. I would never do business with them. That’s what you get for cashing a personal check. He can learn from his $8,000 oops now.

+1 , I hate that place. I went in there to buy a dirtbike last year and stood around for about 30 minutes until someone came over to “help”. This douchebag had a horrible attitude and wasn’t the least bit helpful to me, so I just went to Albany Honda and bought it… o well.
They have a good selection, but are a bunch of assclowns. :Idiots

troy shitty garage