What the FCK is wrong with people!

So I’m on some kinda hard times right now. Nothing bad, but not as good as usual.

So I put my snowboard up for sale. Had been since last year. Someone wants it, confirms, we even set up a date/time. I leave school early one day instead of meeting rick, and go home to meet this guy. Never calls, doesnt return my calls, and ignore my im’s. WTF

So then I sell my turntables on ebay. auction ends, guy gives me the runaround for a fucking week, then doesn’t buy them!
So I put them back up. Then someone local buys them. They write me a check. I wait 5 days and give him the turntables, then the check bounces! So because of that my rent check and my bestbuy bill bounce too. So now I have tons of fees and my bank account is in the negative. And now the guy won’t call me, won’t return any of my calls or e-mails.

So then I put my rims on ebay. Bidding war the whole time, doing well, I’m optimistic things are finally turning around for me. Auction ends for $726, e-mail the guy a minute later. He calls me the next day but I was in class, so I told him the rims were all good and I would e-mail him. HE WAITS UNTIL TODAY TO E-MAIL ME SAYING SOMETHING “CAME UP,” AND HE CANT BUY THE RIMS.

what the fuck is wrong with poeple. why do they have to go around screwing everyone over. particularly me. Why am I getting screwed over and over.

And I need to get my civic out, the kid whom I rented a new garage from is giving me the runaround too! can’t get a hold of him. this has been going on for weeks!

civic is almost done, just need to hook up the shift linkage halfshafts and wiring harness, but then where am I gonna put it? This kid, a friend of mine, who gauranteed me the spot, isn’t returning my calls

I can’t deal with all this bullshit at once. I’m just one person. On top of this, school is crazy. How much bullshit am I really expected to cope with

wow, thats definitly some bad luck right there…hope things get better for ya

i have come to learn that 98.2% of people are out to, or will, fuck you given the chance.

in other news i have determined that 87.4% of females are out to fuck me.
…the other 12.6% just aren’t horny.

85% of stats are made up on the spot :wink:

don’t let it get to you. even if you keep selling your stuff and many people keep screwing you over, you’ll only need one good buyer for it all to work out.

that sucks dre. i dont know if it will help any, but you can keep your car in my driveway for free. just throw a cover on it and pull it right up to the garage.

you sold your decks? :x

usually the threat of bad feedback gets people in line, what fuckbags

<— bamhowyoulikemenow on the ghaybay

the intimidator of the online auction world

Taking a check is just senseless risk. If they can write a check, they can go to the bank or ATM to get cash. If they insist on a check, walk away, because they’re doing it for a reason.

On big items I’m even hesitant to take a cashier’s check for the simple fact that they can be fake. And since it takes the bank about 10-12 days to route the check through their system you probably won’t find out it’s fake until too late.

As for EGay… I’d say at least 50% are shady. Sell something that is geared more toward a younger crowd and that percentage skyrockets. Maybe it’s because I’m getting old, but kids today suck.

You ditched me for that asshole? :cjerk: :stuck_out_tongue:

I know what you mean though. The solution is simple. Stop being a niceguy, start being an asshole. In all three instances you were way too nice.

+1 on what JayS said about accepting checks. :tup:

yea i’ve learned the hard way to NEVER accept checks lol

well cash is king … spend enough time dealing int he automotive world and you learn that … out of respect i don’t pay anyone i buy parts from with anything but cash … just a lesson you learned hard… now you have to go to court.
isn’t e-bay a binding contract that you can sue over? have a lawyers office call them and scare them a bit … or just show up at their door with some big friends…

no need to worry about all of it … it’s already done and over with happened … focus on the solutions not the problems.

if the guy is local … just go break into his house at 3am and have a pillow party on his face …

and by pillow party i mean bust a nut …

and by bust a nut i mean "get your money’s worth by having consentual sex with him "

goooooooin off the rails on a crazy traiiiiiin of thougggggggght

I think your estimate is low…

You ASS…never take a personal check…only cashiers checks or money orders. I’ve been fucked over before by that shit before by “FRIENDS”. You can only learn a lesson from this. I’m surprised EBAY can’t do something about the transaction. It’s stated on EBAY that you are commited to the terms of sale if you BID. You can’t back out without a penalty. I would check into it.

Sorry to hear about your troubles… I hope you get his all taken care of in a timely matter. Especially when you need the $$$ big time.

just found out I’m charged with $210.44 in deferred finance charges. I havea bestbuy laptop, with 12 month interest free financing. since jimmy’s check bounced, so did my bestbuy bill