True Story: Whiteline supplies... *pics added*

…the worst fcukin hardware with its swaybars (and probablly other parts). :squintfinger:

What now? Well if any of you that remember, a few months back while
adjusting my front swaybar, while torquing down one of the bolts (that go
through the figure-8 piece on the front), I snapped one of the bolts. No
worries, I went to Canadian Tire and replaced it.

Well today I’m replacing my D2s with stock and in order to do the change,
I had to unbolt the swaybar from the front LCA.

Well in putting it back together, I snapped the bolt that’s on the
L-shaped bracket. So I need to either get a similar piece of find an

It’s the L-bracket piece you see in this pic that the washer is resting on.

I can use heim-joints as an alternative. Anyone tried it?

By all means I love PDM-Racing. Don is one of the best guys you’ll ever
meet when it comes to dealing with performance parts for the 240. But
something’s gotta give about supplying shitty hardware. Too bad Don
can’t do anything about this.

damn, that’s not cool…thanks for letting us know.

on a semi-related topic…

has anyone used the whiteline t/c rod bushings?

i’m in need of replacing mine, and since this thread came up, i might as well ask what the quality of this product is. anybody?

I have them. But I got the entire package of bushings and I replaced
all my bushings: T/C Rods, front LCA, rear UCA, rear Tension rods.
Only bushings I didn’t replace were rear LCAs. I couldn’t get the
crown nut off so I didn’t bother.

If you plan to do any bushings, take my advice. Get a shop to press
them in/out. Don’t waste your time trying to hack it or burn it.

As for these swaybars, couldn’t have come at a better time. :squint:
Now I gotta try and find something to replace the hardware with. Fcuk.

Any suggestions?

I broke that bolt on the L shaped Bracket Twice.

I Snapped one of those S-Brackets and the rear Link…

What’d you do to replace the L-bracket?

I installed my own. So not worth the trouble, just buy some nifty aftermarket TC rods like SPL Parts.

Hey I think bing made some brackets for his swaybar if I remember correctly. They looked good but I don’t know how well they worked out.

You should talk with him.

Take care man and good luck fixing the problem.

Easy 8)

yes i did make custom ones, and thus far they have held up perfectly…

i am going to modify them slightly to make them stronger and then put them to market in the next couple months.

as for TC rods and bushing, i hope to have adjustable TC rods ready soon too…

i have a pair of brand new whiteline TC bushings in my room here, still in the package, and i have TC rods with the bushings pressed out as well… i will likely sell the pacakge very soon…

this way you can press the bushing into the rod before you remove your own, because that can be a pain in the ass… not just the actual act of doing it, but getting around while your car is on stands.

Sounds really cool Bing.

Let us know when you’ve got these things ready for sale. I’d be interested in checking them out. Your doing front and rear brakets/links right? The TC rod’s sound like they might be worth checking out too. Do you think everything will stand up to the riggers of drifting?

Sorry Gonad, not trying to go off topic here. Im curious to know this stuff that’s all.

Take care.

Easy 8)

I also have the same custom end links and TC rods that Bing has. We built them together. I have been driving on a bad ball joint and the custom parts have been holding up to the abuse a bad ball joint causes while drifting. Gonad I would go and pic up some angle iron, cut a small piece and drill hole in it to match what you have. You don’t need to wel the top bolt in if you get one with a really flat head or grind it down a bit.

Here’s the pic of the passenger side endlink bracket that broke:

I’m getting my dad to make me a smilar bracket (without a bolt welded on).

I was going to go the heimjoint route but I found a supplier who has the
joints howeve they are $25 each (and I need two). :shock:

The heimjoint looks like this and it basically eliminates the L-bracket:

However it would work best with using a male-female heimjoint setup
similar to what’s in this pic:

any word on the price? i just purchased a set of tc rods off a zilvia gb from they gave it to me for 99.95 usd shipped. i’ll let u know how they are.

Why are we talking about T/C rods in this thread? This is about swaybars and endlinks. :wtcslap: