Oh, 100 of these Trump ducks for sure
It’s actually impressive how relevant that video was.
I love that video
That video always makes me laugh.
Good thing to break up the srsns every once in a while. And yes, every time I see it I almost cry laughing.
I think digital has somewhat ruined the craft of photography, although high image quality is more attainable. Let’s look at automobile photography, for example. These new chaps’ shots have nothing on the fantastical Peggy Day-type large format camera shots of cars within a deliberate context! I guess there is less money and higher value on immediacy… #makeamericauselargeformatfilmagain
Lol at yesterdays Democratic debate. What a joke and circus show. Kind of hilarious when they say that those that support people like Trump are the uneducated. You have to be a complete moron and stoned at the same time to support Hillary or Bernie. Anybody besides me find the whole crowd cheering every time they agree with some statement the candidate is making , extremely annoying and making you want to kick a baby? I have 4 kids btw and love them dearly
For some reason it reminds me of Idiocracy. I bet if Bernie threw in a “I have a giant penis” comment in there you would still hear the “woooooo” of the numbnuts in the crowd.
If you’re going to Trump’s rally, get there early.
I can walk there from my house :tup:
I am trying to find it. They just put out an article that most supporters of Bernie and Hilary all want free healthcare and college trading but no one wants to pay for it of their supporters.
They were pretty much yelling over each other on issues like who supported the $15 minimum wage first etc. Can somebody tell me why it’s $15? Why not $14.80?
“No. 2: ParkingSeveral surfaced parking lots normally open for Sabres games near First Niagara are expected to be closed. “The public should not expect normal game day parking for this event,” Rinaldo said. That includes the First Niagara parking ramp.”
Why wouldn’t they have the ramp open? Don’t like like revenue?
The secret service didn’t like the ramp layout.
Ah ok. I just got my tickets.
It’s called a “living” wage so you can work any one job and make enough money to live reasonably well off that. But they ignore the difference between young, unskilled labor and older laborers with families. If I remember correctly, just under half of all minimum wage workers are under 25. I wouldn’t mind a $15 minimum wage if it was a two-tier system that also had a lower wage for younger workers. But nope, they lump the 19 year old kid living at home with his parents into the same category as the 30 year old mother of three. They also claim $15 minimum wage will save on public assistance, but ignore what happens to those at the boundary of a $15/hr zero skill job and an entry level college degree job, some of which are lower than $15/hr.
A lot of what the Democrats propose is designed to make you judge their intentions not their results / unintended consequences.
If your parents are claiming you as a dependent you shouldn’t be eligible to make $15/hr IMO.
- Updated - - -
I’m waiting for the text confirmation. I assume the system will be a bit slow.
That is very true but there’s also a lot of other issues with forcing a large minimum wage like that that people don’t really think about. Usually you hear about how the businesses cannot afford living wages, or to start paying somebody twice as high as a $15 minimum wage to keep it a system where experience means something. However, there are many areas of the government, not just the benefits, that are tied to wage tiers or poverty guidelines. I am talking specifically the immigration system as I have intimate knowledge of the process, the way sponsorship works etc. I’m sure there are many more departments and other bureaucratic systems, including the current Obamacare, that rely on income for their eligibility models etc.
If the national minimum wage is increased to $15, there is no way those requirements can stay the same and stay legitimate. I think it would be chaotic for the system, and thus like you said, no attention to the results/unintended consequences
im glad this went no where and that the costs will be entirely hers to bare:
saw pics from a Buffalo Trump protest.
One sign read “Trump Presidency = no more taco Tuesdays” Which, is complete fuckery, because that ass clown is insinuating that all taco places are ran by illegal immigrants.
Second sign read “Buffalove, not Buffahate, NO Trump” Buffalove, well, except for the high rate of homicides and rapes in Buffalo…
It’s funny that you don’t see Trump supporters protesting Bernie conventions…maybe because, while we don’t like your candidate, we respect your right to assemble.
I got 2 tickets and can’t make it. Will pm photos of the tickets with bar codes etc if anyone wants to go and can’t get tickets.
So where should we park?