Trump Meme Thread (45th President of the USA)

It’s funny that he actually thinks that a majority of Bernie’s supporters have the ability to take out a $2,700 loan. Maybe mom will co-sign?

It’s even funnier that he thinks by stiffing the bank $2,700 that they are going to hurt anyone but themselves. It’s like the guy who has a disagreement with Time Warner over $50 and decides to “stick it to them” and not pay, because “screw them”. Yeah congrats, your credit score is now a massive 478. You can’t buy a house and you’re paying $125 more in interest every month on your car payment. You really showed them!

I asked my tax guy if instead of depositing my return in my bank account if he could deposit it in the Bernie campaign.

He refused my request.

Theres no way the comments are real…are they?!
If so…damn people are stupid

^ The best part those stats is the Masten district with it’s whopping 57 Republican primary votes vs 4749 Democratic primary votes.

People are fucking crazy for Bernie… It’s unbelievable. Note the highlighted part:

Many Bernie supporters are students, The USA education has slipped to about 35th in the world. Coincidence? I think not. :wink:

The last one I posted is from a PROFESSOR.

Is it any wonder why colleges are becoming glorified daycare centers? Wait, is daycare a trigger word now?

Only if the daycare has gender specific bathrooms.

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“Strategic losses” in NY, lol.

I’d say there is going to be a lot of angry people who will feel they were scammed when Bernie doesn’t win, but if they didn’t figure it out going in they’re not going to realize it going out.

Ha! Surprised?

Me every time I see a Bernie support post that they’ll never vote for Hillary…

But they’re mostly the “youth vote” that doesn’t bother to vote anyway.

Meanwhile in Trump land:

This. I used to support Obama and very liberal socially. I used to firmly be against what the GOP turned into and have been registered republican. I can not stomach the Sanders supports that rose up and the entitlement era we have. We have to accept everything, nothing has consequences, and everyone else is to blame. He did have a lot of valid arguments and saw the corruption that was happening but the implications of taxes just put me over.

Here is a deflating article from what I can only assume to be a huge Bernie supporter:

if I hear/see one more “Trump 7/11” post… i’m gonna flip. Fucking MSM turning everything he says into shit. He specifically said “AT Seven Eleven”. (The firehouse)

I really fucking hate SJW’s.

Merit assistance has nothing to do with financial need. It rewards students with scholarships for a variety of accomplishments, such as getting a high GPA, receiving high scores on standardized tests and earning a high class rank.

Oh, you mean what WE SHOULD REWARD?!?


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Also the creator of Dilbert is awesome:

The thing that pisses me the fuck off with the free college is there is no mention to fix the corrupt loan system for the middle class.

If you want to go to school and pay for it alone, you are paying interest almost 10% at some times with predatory lending by the agencies. I wouldn’t be against preventing that from happening. That is the broken part of the system that should be addresses and make school ACCESSABLE, not FREE esp if you have contributed nothing to the system.

The other issue is if you go to school and work your ass off and become successful by making more than $75,000 a year, you no longer can write off your interest so again, you are punished for being successful. Not super wealthy 1% successful but someone trying to break into the upper middle class is screwed under this.