You can only write off $2500 max in interest anyways. Not exactly a huge benefit.
Not saying its huge but there is already a system in place allowing college that can be fixed at no cost to the government/tax payer without suddenly going free for everyone. A better perk for tax incentives would be good too and allow more to write off as a credit maybe and not a deduction.
Back when I graduated college I had loans, but refinanced them down to one loan at a near zero interest rate and paid nearly nothing per month. Differed payments for like 5 years too.
I think you can’t do that anymore because the feds control the loans now or something right? What do these kids have to bitch about anyway when all they have to do is pay the minimum and it gets wiped away after 20 years?
STDs and alcohol poisoning.
The problem with the 20 year forgiveness is that you owe tax on the entire forgiven amount. Imagine paying minimums for 20 years while the balance keeps growing and then you owe taxes on $100k or even more. That’s bankruptcy time for most people.
That’s why public service loan forgiveness is so good. 10 years and no tax on the forgiven balance. My gf is a pharmacist that went to private school. Even with her income that’s a hell of a loan to pay down any other way.
It’s still my belief that student loans should be treated like home lenders…
You’re going to school for some sort of engineering degree, your science scores in high school were top notch?! Okay, you get a 100% loan for your schooling.
You’re unsure what you want to get a degree in, but you’re going to take some liberal arts studies… well, we’re going to top your maximum borrowing to $2,500/yr. Guess you better work part time at a bar to pay the rest of your tuition.
It’s part our societies fault…we are not teaching our 17-18yr olds how financially devastating it is to take out huge amounts of loans.
It looks like the GOP “gang up on Trump” thing backfired. lol
^ Reminds me of this:
Cruz naming Fiorina as VP if he is selected and Trump using a teleprompter on his foreign policy statement. This is getting hilarious.
Cruz naming a VP today is like the Titanic announcing it’s next cruise date hours after the iceberg as the bow was going under.
That guy is completely delusional.
Trump should poach Fiorina from Cruz. Offer her like $10 million. lol
If Trump wants a legit shot at the general election he needs to pick a VP with some political experience. I’m getting behind the whole anti-establishment thing but eventually you’re going to need someone who knows how to play the DC insider game in order to get anything accomplished.
Paul Ryan would be my choice.
Less safe and conventional would be Newt Gingrich. People will say he’s got too much baggage but we’re talking about a Clinton/Trump general election so who cares how much baggage the VP brings on the trip. We’ve already had to attach 2 extra train cars just for the main event baggage.
gingrich makes sense, no way Paul Ryan leaves an actually important/influential job to be a figurehead VP though IMO.
I am hoping if Trump wins and no one will work with him he will call them out in daily press conferences. That is what needs to happen imho. Any of these fuckers who want payback in return should be called out!
- Updated - - -
Paul Ryan lost my support last year when he gave away the ranch. I liked him until then.
That would be beautiful.
Also, I am hoping all of the dems saying that they will only vote for Bernie but not Clinton follow through. I will personally find a way to finance Bernie if he decides to run independently and against Hillary in the general. I guarantee the net return I’d get back on the future of my income taxes being lowered by any even remotely right wing candidate winning would outgain any losses in backing a failure ;).
Bernie as an independent is a republican dream that is never going to happen. So was Bloomberg getting into the race as an independent. Anyone remotely popular on the left knows its political and career suicide to run as an independent, split the left vote and guarantee a republican wins.
that cannot be a real picture… if it is, and she is not of legal US status, I can bet she won’t be here much longer.
The person holding it is not in the picture. It cant be that girl look at the arm position lol