Trump Meme Thread (45th President of the USA)

Things are heating up!!!

I think this fits both parties.

needs to be reversed if your party lost.

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Hi @Onyx_Z32

Finally some.diversity in this thread.

lol the last one.

it is what it is folks

Now the memes start to get good

these are some spicy memes

Yuck. This place has really gone to shit. See you when we take the runoffs in GA!


Is that when they split us into our assigned districts?


I won’t point out the irony of saying that in a thread with over 3800 posts making fun of people for having a different opinion

Who is this guy? Some rando that joined?

I’m glad he’s back. I want to actually see people come up with rationale arguments for being happy with what’s going on.

[sarcasm] Sounds like white male fragility there bro. [/sarcasm]

^^^ But that’s not what this thread is for!

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I couldn’t verify any of those stories about AZ and PA being undecided. If someone can post a source I’d appreciate it.

From what anyone can see RCP never called PA, and did not change it from a Biden win.