I wonder what the new wave of memes will be like after Trump leaves office.
you mean after Trump jr. leaves office or after Ivanka leaves office or after Baron leaves office in like 2044?
They’ve been becoming less spicy for a few years now.
I think we should start a Biden thread in January. This one can be held until the next Trump administration.
But…I thought we were supposed to believe the narrative of “violent” white people storm capitol = nothing from government/police // black people storm the capitol = military response and we shoot them all?
Just trying to get my narrative straight here so I can be offended/ashamed again.
I think someone needs to build a site that explicitly mixes previous commentary on rioting with the capital riot and soon to be inaugural riot.
I’m picturing an old school rumble like Outsiders.
You know. Back when men were men.
mega spicy batch!
not a real tweet from her though it doesnt look like.