trying to make silver look more tarnished..

i have this buddha charm i bought in bangkok, and the necklace chain i have is like a dull silver, and the charm is shiny, how can i “dull” it down, i tried a lighter (KYLE’S IDEA), but the black will just rub off

i have another idea.

i recommend you quit being such a fggt.

you need that summabitch to oxidize.

  • a vinegar and salt water soak should make it look aged.



[quote=“K Cuv,post:2,topic:39055"”]

i recommend you quit being such a fggt.


idk my bff jill?

Step 1: Buy or Borrow black or dark brown nail polish.
Step 2: Take a small amount and apply to a rag.
Step 3: Rub charm with rag containing small amount of nail polish. (See step 2)
Step 4: Let dry.
Step 5: Repeat steps 2-5 until desired effect is achieved.


(Apply the nail polish as thick as you would apply car wax. Don’t paint it.)


Try a dilute solution of table salt in water and see what it does. Mix it about one teaspoon of salt to a pint of water and spray it on the metal. Let it sit for a day or so and see what happens. My guess is that those things may have a coat of clear lacquer on them and it will do nothing, but you can try it. After you try it, be sure to rinse it thoroughly with plenty of fresh water and dry it.

Photographic hypo might work (I think that is sodium metabisulphate).

or just let it sit outside … the chemicals in the air along with the moisture in the morning(or if it rains/snows) will take care of your problem in a couple of days

wood stain, put some on a paper towel and rub it on there in thin layers and wipe off some of the residue should stick

thks fr th ideas GUYS

wow the chemistry skills are thick in this thread

ya srsly, someone make me some DMT

ing Metal Parts:
To make new steel or brass parts look old, you can use this formulae:
(2) oz. Lemon or Lime juice
(2) oz. Chlorine bleach
(2) oz. Vinegar
(1) Tablespoon of salt

Mix well, and immerse parts in the solution for 30 minutes or longer, depending on how much you want to accelerate the oxidization. When you have the desired amount of oxidization, rub with steel wool. You can use some gun bluing or browning to tone the finish, then seal with clear. This formulae works great when aging chicken wire camo baskets.

hm i hope i have all these household items

I love it when dumbasses use google to try and give the illusion of intelligence without even attempting to give credit.


I love it when dumbasses use google to try and give the illusion of intelligence without even attempting to give credit.


walter GEOFF gave credit to : RANDOM WEBSITE



thks fr th ideas GUYS



i liked kyles idea…



I love it when dumbasses use google to try and give the illusion of intelligence without even attempting to give credit.


god ur such a cock:rolljerk:


god i want your cock:rolljerk:



photoshop it! :smiley: