tsukuba Time Attack

enjoy some nice cars.

the new evo is sex in black and/or white. GVR4. New STi is okay.

those are some sick pics :tup:

Dammm those new evo’s look pretty good :tup:


Appearence wise, I used to hate the evo and <3 the sti

now its totally flipped. That new evo looks damn good, and the sti looks weaksauce

Thats some hot stuff, grey EVO is fuckin hot

God those evos are hot, although that blue STi with the aftermarket grill looked great too.

New Evo’s look great, but the FD’s certainly steal the show.

Same here.

Nice pics. :tup:


:tup: hotttttttttttt

yeah the stock looking Black evo > all the rest.

I love the pink 350 in the “esses”. thats such a sweet pic.

Yeah that blacked out evo looks nice

i actually prefer the white with black lower front air dam

I was also at this event. To bad all the UK & Aus cars suffered.

nice pics. i really like the older Evo’s.(IV, V)