TSX/TL Projectors?

Hey guys,

I want to retrofit tsx projectors into my pop-up head lights. Before I can do this I need to find somewhere to get my hands on a pair. Does anyone know where I can get some?


That was a quick response! Thanks! I’ve been looking around ebay. I can’t seem to find anything for less than 250, and that’s not with shipping. I thought the going rate for these things was around 100 bucks each? No? What do you guys suppose the chances of find these at a junkers would be? I think I’ll call around tomorrow.

junkyard will probably jack the prices up, they tend to do that on high-dollar items. Parts for new cars are always worth more to them

Well I’ll take a look tomorrow and see what they have at he junkers. I’ll do some more research, perhaps I can find a pair of projectors from a different car that perform as well. Maybe those would be cheaper. Any suggestions are welcome!

Thanks alot!

check with www.hidplanet.com

www.torontoaccords.com - a bunch of honda accord retrofitters there and they usually have what you need.

I was going to retrofit those projectors in an s14, looks badass, but full install was going to be around $900 - 1,100.

Was that for someone else to do the work? Or by yourself? If it was something you planned to take on yourself I don’t see how it could get so expensive!

As for finding a pair, I did ALOT of searching around Ebay and I found someone situated in Oakvill (where I live) that has several sets. I couldn’t believe it. He said I could grab a pair on Monday for 150. So 75.00$ a piece isn’t bad. I’ll take pictures as I go along and post them for people to see. Won’t be until next week unfortunately. Thanks alot for the help everyone!

Are Infiniti J30 projectors any good?

Halogen projectors with PnP HID kit could be better then reflector headlights, but they would be no where as good as OEM HID projectors.

Hey guys,

I ended up picking up a pair of TSX projectors for 150$. I already have ballasts and I’m picking D2S HID bulbs tomorrow. I’ve finished fitting one projector into its housing, I still need to seal the inside around the projector itself. So here’s some pictures of the projectors and the housing I’ve completed thus far. I will update later this weekend to show you guys pictures the finished product. I’ll also make sure to take pictures of the cut off results and what I’ve done to allow the pop-up headlights to function properly as the new headlight is slightly longer than the stock ones.




I think it’s a good start so far!

Cool man! Sorry I didn’t give you a ride in my car, its back into winter storage. I’m picking up my daily today. Will have to wait until spring haha… Looking forward to this though :slight_smile: Make sure to seal it well… however… just keep in mind before you do make sure it’s aimed properly etc… if possible make it easy to take out somehow and not permanently sealed. Just some thoughts :slight_smile:

neat approach

cant wait to see some installed pics and of course beam pattern pics


someone finally did it the way you like

not like me and all the other ricers, just putting hids in out non projector housings

haha lol
but its not just non-projector housings, noob!

it’s any housing (reflector OR projector) that wasn’t designed for HID originally

its nice to see someone at least trying to do it properly for a change

I was going to do this acouple years ago when I had some TSX projo’s on hand, but the fact that they were much longer and the headlight bracket would have to likely be cut/welded to have the headlights still funtion threw me off and I never got around to making them. Make sure you show how you worked around this.

I cannot stress how awesome www.hidplanet.com is.
I will also link this site as it is VERY informative.

I’m retro fitting either RS6/A6 Bi-Xenon ECE Projectors or Porsche Bi-Xenon ECE Projectors into my JDM S14 kouki headlights. Leaning towards the RS6’s as they have more tolerable dimenions to work with.

I actually bought my tsx projecors from this big guy ^^^^ :stuck_out_tongue:

This is the cutoff that your going to see with one tsx projector

Heres the cutoff i achieved with some modification to the projector itself. To get the strait line you need to file or grind down the reflector lense inside the housing of the projector and get the high ledge out of it

Hey guys,

Just an update on the projectors in case anyone was wondering. I’ve finished up both of them, but I unfortunately broke one of the pieces of glass when I was sealing them back on. So I’m waiting on new ones. I have taken off some pieces on the car that are meant for adjusting and aiming the headlights. I’ve cleaned the springs, and rusted screws so that when I do put these in, it’s easy to adjust them. Also I had to cut out and rust proof a small part of the bracket where the back side of the projector was hitting. It was quite simple to do and now they will fit in just like any other 6x7 housing. Can’t wait to finally finish these up and get them in the car. It’s frustrating to think they would be in the car already had I not broken that one piece of glass. Oh well! I’ll post pictures of the cut off as soon as i get the chance.


I’m out in New York for the week! Before I left I installed the projectors into my car and aligned them and took the car for a spin. The lights have been lowered further since taking these pictures, but I did snap a few quick shots with my camera phone, before taking it for a spin. Photo quality is not very good but when I’m back from New York tomorrow, I will take some better pictures to really show off what these lights do. These pictures aren’t exactly flattering to say the least, and I’ll prove it when I take more, but this will atleast give you guys an idea as to what kind of cut off these can produce.

All I can say is after driving with these lights in the car for the short period of time I’ve had them in, is OMFG everyone NEEDS to do this conversion… no matter what you drive… it is absolutely 3000% worth time and effort.

