turbo outlet loose

My exhaust has come loose right off my turbo. Looking on the internet it says these are 13-14mm bolts, they are alot smaller than that. Could any of you supply me with the replacement bolts. Neil ???

Are you meaning the connection between the turbo and the o2 extension, or the o2 extension and the downpipe? You can pick these bolts up at a local nut and bolt shop. Just get high grade stuff. Like 5cents each. I’m sure you can spare $0.25. lol.

Money isnt the issue, aleady spent 15 bucks on 5 14mm 5 13 mm and 5 10 mm. just a pain trying different ones and want high quality one that will WORK, they dont seems like regular bolts

He’s talking about 5, so that is turbo to o2 housing. If I recall correctly it uses, a stud as well as bolts. If you call Bill at Ericksen, he should be able to get you what you need. 429-2637

yeah I was working on a friends car and he only had a few of those 5 nuts left and it was rattling pretty bad …I agree with Aaron …dont cheap out on fasteners

Yeah, get some good stainless steel shit.

I wouldn’t go as far as like grade 8 bolts though.

thank you, bill got them for me 44.12 for all bolts studs and nuts. All I was looking for thanks guys!!

damn i have an extra set you could have had for like 5
new bolts came with my turbo extention so i don’t need the old ones