Turbo S2000 rebuild

woot woot.

We have been going at a decent pace but it still feels like its taking FOREVER! Ran into a few problems tonight…lost 2 bolts that hold on the serpentine belt tensioner and forgot to take a coolant nipple off my old block which is now located in NJ…FFFFFFUUUUUCCCCCKKKK. Hopefully the Honda dealer will have one in stock but chances are slim to none.

FUckkkkkk just broke the bolt for the timing tensioner when trying to put the serpitine belt on. Luckily i have a extractor.Hope it works

I feel your pain.
Gave away miata sensors on my old block I could have used.

Get this done for cinco de Dyno.

The goal is to be finished, tuned and broken in by cinco de dyno!

Bump for some craziness last night and titty milk lmao.

That was some messed up shit man! By far the craziest stripper show at a stag that I have ever seen…by a mile lol.

It runs! Just dosent drive yet

I found out the problem to my car, im not sure if you did the axles/someone else or whatever when those spacers were put in but either way; make sure you tq them to 240-250ftlbs and smash the nut in on them. i think the FSM says 180 but it’s not very sufficient lol. When i loosened mine to re-tq them i barely had to put any effort into it



So after it was put together it started up no problem.The only problem we had was the clutch wasent disengaging. Every clutch job i have done the throwout bearing snaps into place,Hondas do not. They go in before the clutch is installed.

We had to drop the tranny!



Its currently back in place and now the intake and other shit we had to take off is getting reinstalled.

lol, how many swear words did Brad spit out?

At least a million. I was so pissed off when we figured out the problem that I refused to work on it for the past 4 days lol. but its all back together and works perfectly.

I would trade the 100 octane for a Rebel gas station on every corner with E85

lookin good. cant wait to see the heaterz.

Got her tuned and dynoed yesterday…396 horsepower at 15psi but had some spark plug problems so we ended up turning it down to 11psi and 362hp. I have a few things to button up on the car tonight and she will be good to go. The car pulls like a raped ape and is an absolute blast! Thanks to everyone that has helped thus far!

That was pretty interesting yesterday to say the least lol. Glad its finally getting done though!

On what dyno was this tuned? And what’s this car weigh you think?

27-2800 lbs IMO.

The car weighs in at close to 2700 then with my fat ass…anyways it was dyned on a Dynomite (sp?)

Car doesn’t weigh 2700 lbs with you in it lol.