Turbo toast?

Hey guys,

Ok so i just got back and when i exited the car i noticed smoking coming from my wheel well, so i popped the hood and all i saw was oil all over my right side of the engine bay. the smoke was coming from the turbo from what i can tell. Now i know my valve cover gasket has been leaking aswell now i dont know if the gasket gave way and decided to spew oil everywhere or if its the turbo.

has this happened to anyone and if so what was it?
im taking it to the garage tomorrow anyways but some heads up is always nice

first off let it cool down pop the hood and watch to see if oil is spewing out most likely its just your gasket. if it is not spewing oil then wait 10mins if it is at that time still smoking find a new home for the turbo( like a trash can or eBay lol jk ) i have had this problem a lot with my dsm and its never good to have to buy a new turbo i feel for u man

Check the oil line (if you have one) that is what happened to this guy.

PS I would not drive it like that unless you want the above to possibly happen to you.


if u knew something was broken why didnt u fix the problem???
u got oil leaking all over the place,ur a turbo’d car, ur lucky it didnt brust into flames…
let it cool brakekleen the oil mess.
fix valve cover gasket then start it up and check for leaks

i ordered a valve cover gasket im waiting for delivery, didnt think this would happen in the mean time

its not the oil line and my turbo isnt blown although my turbo is spitting oil, so its pretty much finished. ive ordered a new turbo, and im about to buy exhaust headers should be a nice little upgrade from stock