ROFL @ This guy
Pardon my lack of auto experience but powering a turbocharger off the exhaust pressure sounds like a really, really stupid idea. Don’t throw your keyboard out the window yet, just read this. Yeah it’s a place to get power from but OMG when people want to make a car faster, they don’t block up the exhaust more, they let more through it. Yes of course it eventually results in more power and speed but why take 2 steps forward and one step back? Plus it just sounds incredibly hard on your engine.
So this begs the question, hasn’t anyone ever built a “hybrid” turbocharger?
You know how hybrid engines use part electricity from a battery and part gas to make the car go? Well why not put in a second battery on your non-hybrid car and power the turbocharger off that? And don’t hook it up to the alternator (duh). Just drive till it runs out and recharge it at home. A decent battery would last a couple hours powering just one turbocharger and you could charge it in probably 2-6 hours. I won’t get into the whole replace your sunroof with a solar panel to charge it instead of an alternator topic which is also a good idea though So then technically your car would sort of be driven by a gasoline and electrical hybrid system. Hasn’t anyone ever tried that?! It would result in going a hell of a lot faster than stealing the equivilant amount of energy from the exhaust pressure and thus the engine.
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I want to stab you in the face…
His “tricked out ride”