TurboLS1ss, found a few for you

lol i doubt it.

Sorry just found this pic ironic


ALL IN ALL im just playin, really sux about what happened, i know you had a shit load of cash into that car…Any aftermath pix?

Pics or ban!

? WTF happened…?? been in ohio for a few days

lol, thats the FIRST THING I SAID while it was happening… i just said fuck it, nothing i can do bout it. ill try to get some pics. i accidentally left my key to the shop at home, so i can’t get in there right now…but i may have pics elsewhere.

car is fixable and the drivetrain wasn’t hurt. it will be in a different car soon that i will hopefully be picking up this week. my car will also be fixed but there’s no rush on that

if it wasn’t such a heap i’d def consider it at that price




that’s hot


its NOT that bad. still a shitty situation to such a gorgeous car

wow what caused it? I see the fuel tank access was never covered back up but I have seen that before.

Looks like it would have cause one hell of an ass pucker if driving when it started…

That sucks… good thing your ok.

If you were scared to race me all you had to do is say so… you didnt have to torch your car?!

the access was covered, the firemen peeled it back (peeled, lol, it was HOT) to get to the flames.

my guess is a pre-filter fell off one of the pumps, and a pump sucked up some shit from the tank, jamming it. the pump still trying to run shorted out something in the harness. when i took the key out, the pump was still running :ohnoes: its sounded bad. then i smelled electrical burning. opened up the hatch, and saw a LITTLE bit of smoke pissing out my access panel. immediately got the fuck away and called the popo. the FD was like 3/4 mile down the road, and it took about 25 for the first responders. sprayed it with the fire extinguisher, and thats when the flames started. took 3 trucks spraying 1000+gpm a half hour to put it out. eesh. they did their job. quite frankly i was more afraid for their lives thinking it was going to blow in their faces. they said it was by far the hardest car fire they’ve ever had to deal with, and were convinced i had a full tank of race fuel in it. i had 1/3 tank of 93. oh well.

like i said, the drivetrain is alright, ill get another roller, and keep this as a project. mainly noone was hurt :tup:

You should buy J@J’s iroc or Furmula both would be hott!!!

WAIT WTF? Did you get something already or did i just not know you have 2 maro’s?

2001 Camaro SS - 6.7L S88 RACE CAR
1998 Camaro SS - 6.7L S88 STREET CAR

lol… i remember this in a couple weeks when i have something together again. hehehe

That doesnt look bad at all …

How bad is the 1/4 panel warped from the heat ???

also glad to see that your beats are ok … did the fire even touch the amp

the whole back of the car was engulfed and completely full of water by the end. i drained the car into a 55gallon drum. so no, all that shit is toast. everything in the back is fucked. but replaceable. its all getting cut out anyway for two large tubs and some sheet…

im hoping to move on this one quickly:


that is hott GLWB :tup:

u need to buy mikes car, its a piece of history

a little better perspective:


thats just the mist from the hoses. LOL… the back was a swimming pool for infants

S0o0o0o0o HOTTTTTT!!! And you can have a back up turbo :rofl:
