cause i didnt want to know that… i wanted to know how many lbs it would run without a boost controller cause i dont want to put it in and find out it runs 15 lbs and blow my engine
we are back to the stupid question thing again
okay what time do i come over? do i call to arrange an appointment, or how do we work this out?
srsly STFU… if you knew how a turbo works then you would not even have to ask the question.
im all for answering questions but when no knowledge of said item is had ad you ask a question like that you will get these types of answers
That certainly seems less than friendly. Or maybe a little tooooo friendly.:hay:
I would suggest growing a thicker skin ( no not foreskin), do a bit more research so you can ask intelligent questions, and don’t install ANY turbo ( T3/T4 or other ) without the proper controls, monitoring equipment, and supporting mods.
what wastegate do you have?
your original question is impossible to answer without knowing what spring is in your wastegate.
people are jumping all over you because you need to provide more information and do more research.
ill just meet u somewhere close to where u live… just name the spot
Who puts on a turbo without any control of any kind?
OMG gUys Im putting a gt76 turblo on my buick, how much b00st do you think it will run.
Or should I get those headers that push the air right back in the engine like that cool vette dudebro.
A T3/T4 could round a .5 pound of boost if you wanted it to. Or I dont even know what it maxes out at.
Probably 18 or so, but that depends a lot on CFM too. pounds of boost aint everything brah
yeah ls1 is gay is that a prob?
ooohhh im skurred :ohnoes:
dude u are fuckin dumb… i wanted to know that it wouldnt run an outstanding amount of boost and blow my engine… i know boost aint everything “BRAH”
lol again learn how a turbo works
if you want info, you arent going to get it by picking a fight with everyone on here. ignore the people that piss you off, and focus on your topic. but please, provide more info.
if ur not scared where do u wanna go? due ur tryin to be funny but ur makin ur fat dtr8 up[ dork ass look like u want my cock rammed down ur throat
hahahaahahahaah it wouldnt matter man a t3/t4 will put out the same anount of boost no matter what… and where do u get im imbred… hahaha ur just so fuckin bookdumb that thats all u could think of hahahahaha
naw i hate these fuckin kids lol