
Hey guys. I need to buy a turbo and exhaust manifold for my CA18DET. This is what I am looking at for the turbo:

And this is what I’m looking at for the exhaust mani and stuff:

My ECU is already tuned for the T28. I recenetly saw some guy selling a blacktop T25 turbo. I asked him about my setup with his turbo and the ebay turbo. He said that the ebay turbo won’t just bolt on to the ebay exhaust mani and that I will need fuel system upgrades and stuff. Is this true? Also, since my ECU is tuned for the T28 turbo, will it run like crap if I install the T25 turbo instead?

I woudlnt buy a turbo from SS Autochrome…

As far as ca manifolds go, ssautochrome is the only place you will be able to get them for less than $600-$700
Lots of places in australia have nice ca manifolds, but they are expensive… so is the shipping.

iven the questions your asking about basic fueling and such I would think it would be agreat idea to read up on building a turbo for a car first… going in this blind will get your motor dead , real fast. good book to start with is ‘maximum boost’ or if your not inclined to real and remember what you read that fast, then best to take it to a professional…

as for the Ebay items, what to say… XS power turbos are the worst on the planet. if you ahve No other choice then a SSAC part 'can ’ be made to work with extensive surgury. If your not inclined to beleive me go to fourms that have a good/bad seller section or do a search on most larger fourms for SS autocrome/ Stone mountian/ XS poswer. read them carefully, be aware of what your getting and what you need to do to get them into useable shape…

The product comes out of China or india and the meal used is not great, it ‘may’ say 304 SS on it but it’s not ceritified and I’ve gome across bad spots when rewelding these. Interestingly Chiaa produces some top shelf products… but they keep that for themselves… the substadard items , of any kind are shipped out of country… Personally with that kind of attitude I try not to buy anything that’s made there.

Well I’m not looking to boost my car too much. 200whp is fine with me so that’ll be on low boost since my motor has some work done to the internals. I thought that the XS turbo could handle such low boost? Also, does anyone know if there will be a problem if I buy a T28 turbo even though my ECU is tuned for a T28?

Rotokami wa, nocawage just told me that you do custom turbo work and build parts and such. Could you give me an approximate price on an engine back exhaust with a t25 or t28 turbo? I don’t need an ultra high performance turbo or anything. Just something that’ll be good enough for like 7 or 8 psi daily. I wanna keep costs down so any way u can stuff that’ll do what I want cheap is good. Everything doesn’t have to be stainless but I would prefer the exhaust mani to be top mount. If thats substansially more expesnive, then the stock lower mount will be fine.

I’ll PM you about it…

that turbine is WAY overkill for your setup and for what hp u want

Well I was looking for a T28 since my ECU is already tuned for a T28 turbo. Also, that XS turbo one is pretty cheap and I can’t find a lower power turbo for cheaper.

Still waiting for your pm rotorkami wa.

Looks like a lose, lose combo to me. But I guess as with anything you get what you pay for and if you are on a tight budget it would do. Just the auction title though would steer me clear from their stuff…


Super Duper. Doesn’t get funnier than that.

i have a stock ca18det manifold which will be more than enough for your 200rwhp goals

pm me