TW: 2002 BMW M3 - 6spd - Possible trade

Mother… FUCKER… I was gonna gunmetal the fenders, and front grill too!.. at least now i know it looks nice :slight_smile:

Don’t sell.

Mod it.

Spotted an e92 at the Galleria

Haha! Hows the insurance on this bad boy? I dont know if anyone else caught this at Don Davis but there was a black 2003 M3 with 45k miles on it for $23k… It was literally there for one day before it was sold.

I’d really have to give this some SERIOUS thought.

PM sent

FUCK! I saw that also. I remember driving past and telling my GF “WTF an M3???”

The next day we drove by it was gone, haha.

Hey if you ever consider selling, send me a PM.

that one looks beautiful

dan…dont be a gay

Yea I stopped and looked at it that afternoon. The inside was a little dirty but was a good price.

Will do. Dan, If you dont mind me asking, how did you come up with $24k?

thats like telling the hamburglar to stop stealing hamburgers

trade for e30 :slight_smile: