Springs install

Werd. At that price, you can buy some cheapo coilovers which will save at least half of the labor cost on some vehicles.

Honest mechanics seem to get harder to find for some. We have some assets to the community such as Boxersix, MEATPAWS, KK, Wayne, etc… that make any of the bullshit you may find on Shift worth it the first time you need the help of any of them.

As just about anyone here knows, that unless it is warranty work, Adam (Boxersix) gets all of my business as he’s more than fair, honest, and a great friend to top it all off. For a recent example, I have to replace a blown TiAL turbo on the 911 and had to ship it out. Adam boxed it up properly and dropped it off at my house ready to go except for postage. It’s small stuff like that that make you realize he’s not just a mechanic, but he’s also a friend.