Spring install

I still have my eibach pro-kit sitting in my room, and i am dying to get them installed

I was referred to Karbz in St. Albert, but i found they were a little on the expensive side, does anyone have any ideas?

karbz is good
ive gone there for compustar install and
they gave me a pretty good choice.
give brad a call

put em in yourself man !

i’ll just compress them with my pipes :roll: i dont have the tools…nor the know-how

go to crappy tire and rent some spring compressers. its not hard
3 bolts up top
2 14mm?? bolts on the bottom
and voila out come ur strut
slap the spring compressers on and take off the hat
instals the same as dismantaling but BACKWARDS. :smiley:
it should take some one by them selves 30 mins a wheel :twisted:

17mm bolts at bottom. Pick up the car one corner at a time. Remember to get an alignment aftwerwards.

No, its better to pick a Z32 up one end at a time. You can jack from the front crossmember (just in front of the oil pan), or the rear pumpkin.

haha, if i ended up doing it, i’d screw something up for sure, or the spring would slip off and shoot through my fender…lol

Do what I do:

Take spring/strut off vehicle
Place on ground
Put foot on top of spring retainer (insert technical term here)
Get impact wrench
shout “CLEAR”
Undo the nut holding the unit together

Since the new springs are lower, you should not have any problems re-installing everything.

Hahaha Andy you crack me up! " (insert technical term here) lol Yeah TJ if your not a 100% comfortable then see what Karbz chargers

lmao, i wouldnt need to do all that, it would “SPLANG” anyway :wink:

the guy at FulBlown Motorsports, said that he would install them with me, and his install guy would overlook to make sure that we arnet’ fukin n e thing up, plus i’d like the experience :smiley:

soon i hope to do a write up of a spring install on a S13 for any one. there is are good ones around that i might just post here, but say who origionally posted it.

Installing new springs really isn’t that hard at all. If ya have a compressor it would be super nice, if not, let those suckers pop after undoing the nut (this part is dangerous) and then get someone to push down the new springs while you attach the nut to the top, if the springs are short enough this step is no problem at all. Follow Andy’s instructions and you’ll be fine :wink:

how much would it cost to buy a spring compressor?

got to crappy tire and rent them
they are free.
pay for the tool and return it for a full refund when you are done. i you wan to buy one its 109.99 and you just get a rental and never return it. :lol:

LMAO LMAO LMAO :lol: :lol:

Ok, so I’m doing a suspension install soon too. I’ve had a creaking spring since I bought my Altima, but another guy on Altimas.net, who had a squeaky spring, recently had his spring snap and rip through his tire. http://www.nissantalk.com/forum/showthread.php?s=3bb917b3d7472b0c1f8e56f60ca82fc4&threadid=154660

Now I’m kinda scared of going near my front passenger side spring with a spring compressor. So I wanna try Andy’s “Splang!” method, but that also sounds dangerous… haha.

Actually, come to think of it, will I even have to get the spring off my stock strut since I’m going to be installing brand new struts and springs at the same time?

No, if you are installing new springs AND struts just get a compressor and put the new springs on the new shocks. You can try and sit or stand on the springs to get them on if you don’t have access to a compressor. Once you’ve done that all ya have to do is pull the old spring/strut combo out and put the new ones in.

I’m going to be putting in a new timing chain guide in again :frowning: and also a new oil pan b/c speed bumbs are gay. I want to get a used oil pan b/c nissan’s are $160. Is there a good plac besides pick your part to get one?

I still have my eibach pro-kit sitting in my room, and i am dying to get them installed

I was referred to Karbz in St. Albert, but i found they were a little on the expensive side, does anyone have any ideas?