TW installers, need some help!

DirectTV has a package deal with verizon this ia like 100 bucks for home, phone, DSL and DirectTV I don’t know if that is of any use to you but it might be something to look into.

If you have been a DTV customer for a while you can tell them that you moved and that your thinking about going with cable because you don’t want to pay for the HD box through DTV. They will set you up with a movers connect install and give you a HD box. If you already had the install done at your new place then that may not work for you. If you are polite and tell them that if you don’t get a free HD box then you are canceling service. I install DTV for a living so if you have questions about it feal free to PM me, if you decide to keep DTV let me know and I can do the install.

Why do you hate directTV? did you have a shitty install previously?

I have one concern about running that long length of cable. between the pole and your TV’s your easily looking at 200+ft of cable. How long can you go on a cable run or do you plan on having a amplified splitter in the basement?

you don’t need conduit, you can get away without flooded cable and it will last a really long time and it will save you some money.