TW installers, need some help!

here is my plan, im installing coax cable underground within conduit. the problem is there is a telephone pole halfway between my house and the road. i will be burying it up to the pole. will Time Warner give me a hassle for installing the cable myself or will they connect right up to it, they will be doing the second half from the road to the pole.
The diagram shows it better. Blue line represents TW line, it runs over water, thus the need for a telephone pole along with the distance. Red line is what im installing. A=house B=road

Anyone have any experience with this? I dont want to do it and have them tell me they wont hook-up. Reason im asking is that they want $800+ to dig and bury a coax cable when i can do it myself for free. Any imput is appreciated.


RG-6? RG-11?

I highly doubt he is going to run RG-11 that is expensive as hell. why does it have to be burried? why not ariel the whole thing?

theres no arial from the pole to the house to the pole, everything is buried.

I’ll ask the design engineers tomorrow and see what they say.

its rg6, i also dont have any other wires running through my yard and i dont want to have just one. mind you also that its an a-frame house, theres no real corner to mount it to without it looking tacky.

How far is it from the house to the pole?

its about 150 ft. my other question is, will the rg6 be sufficient enough buried inside the conduit? i know they make special burial cable, but is it really worth the extra money to buy it? i got this cable for free and if i can use it im going to.

What town do you live in?

Any rg6 will get you an analog picture… The better the rg6, the less signal lost and the better analog picture you’ll get as well as no tiling on digital. If you use shit, expect shit. Just as important is the fittings you’ll use…

As far as using rg6 in conduit, that would eliminate the need for the underground flooded rg6, hell i’ve seen aerial rg6 used underground without conduit, it works, just doesn’t stand up as long as the right stuff.

The 800# for trying to work this out may give you shit, i can guarantee you, you’ll need to explain yourself at least 3 times til they get somewhat of an idea of what you are doing and need…

The real question is what is existing? Is there aerial already to the pole ? Is there old underground that needs to be replaced? Is this a new install and TW wants to charger you $800 to have a UG drop???

yes its a new install. i live in holland, about 300 ft off the road. theres no existing lines at all.

ever consider going with directTV or dish?

If you run your own line to the pole and leave about 4-5ft, i don’t see them charging you. You can try explaining that over the phone or just speak with the tech when he calls.

you could also possibly let them run it above ground from the pole, then just bury what they used in conduit after they leave?

i do have directv, it sucks. i also have to buy a new dish and receiver to get hd to my flatscreen.
i also have wildblue satellite internet, it sucks.
i also have verizon phone service, cant really complain as i have a cell phone.

combining all 3 of these with TW is alllllllloooot cheaper a month. Wildblue alone is $80 and its slow as balls.

they still want to charge me for running the line and all that bullshit when i can just do it myself. im trying to save as much money as possible, but i know its not a hard job to do.

Don’t mention its not ran, just say it’s already there.

The address is probably tagged as a never

so would they honestly refuse me service if i follow through and bury this line? i know they could tell me no and put a new line in, but would they honestly go through the trouble?

The tech is not going to give you any shit, he is hourly and doesn’t see a cent from that $800 or so they quoted you, whatever makes his life easier he’ll be fine with.

Honestly they won’t really care unless there is some major issue with it.