
haha my friend lindsay made me go out on a quasi-date with her.

Hey she paid for dinner and the movie, not used to that…so I wasn’t complaining too much

so is it true blood in a movie?

HA! I backed the fuck out on this one… She is pissed, but what do I care I don’t want to see this shitty movie.

you should have went with dawn

word on the street is that her lips can form a tight seal around your cock and balls… so much that there is no need for a penis pump.


the human penis pump.

on topic though, i’m sickly obsessed with this movie now and i want to read every book ever. i guess it is a girl thing. i feel like a 13 year old girl right now. i even have a twilight wallpaper on my computer. hahahahaha.

its a movie

robert pattinson is fucking hot.


This is why I don’t respect women.

Thankfully my GF paid for this.

Was hoping for at least some type of blood/gore/action… it’s Romeo and Juliet with non-vampire vampires. Lame.

Do not see this if you are expecting a good movie.

Do see this if you cried like a bitch during Titanic.