
Has anyone seen this yet? It is so good. I don’t want to give anything away, but I’m seriously obsessed.

My girlfriend read all 3 books and went to see this on Friday. She said it was awesome as hell… I suspect it probably sucks and is a new version of the Craft, or something else more awful.

Anyways, you can at least be assured there is another woman somewhere that liked this dopey movie.

No witchcraft or anything stupid. It’s nothing like the craft. Haha.

It’s actually really good. I’m upset about the ending, but I’m sure it’s because there will be a sequel.

if one more person tells me how great this book/movie is i’m going to kick them in the boobs/balls.

i hate hype therefore i already hate this movie because i am totally irrational.

after reading what avatar quoted, and hearing nothing else of this movie, i give it 0/5

  • karma

Ok - my daughter is like “so what’s with the girls” in this book (I haven’t read it). Mind you, she’s 12.

Theres 4 i think.

Heard the movie sucks but ill go see it anyway with the gf. I liked the books.

+1 for having a gf who wont shut up about this crap.

People actually go watch this crap?

:tup::tup: good movie. i read the books they are good. yes there are four books.

You knowing this makes you a fag.

Fucking girls are practically worthless


…I like you Billy Hotdog, but sometimes you make it hard to do so :frowning:

a lady friend is going to take me so hopefully it doesn’t suck…



this sucks… I’m gonna whack off in the movie theater now

LOL 5.8 on IMDB… I’m totally backing out…

broads are going nuts over this shit. I guess deep down they all want to be violated by vampires or some shit.


God, I want to be apart of the vampire culture live for ever and just fuck every 4 minutes. Oh an live in a big mansion and suck blood and be in a cult, and have sex with children

My gf read all 4 books, was completely obsessed with the story (bugged me for weeks to make sure i go see it with her), went to see it last night, I thought it sucked anus, she was disappointed as well.

:tdown: :tdown: :tdown:

i wish there was a flacid cock emoticon for this thread.

ugh yea I got dragged to this on Saturday…

It was ok as far as a movie goes. I never got into it at all though, and just took it for what it was on the surface.

I heard some weeping at one point in the movie and just seriously wanted to LOL cause it was so lame.

umm 2.5/5 i guess for some entertaining parts

Are you sure it wasn’t a boyfriend weeping over his lost testicles? Where did yours go?

I refused to see this with my girlfriend solely because I have a fond relationship with my balls.