Two Minor Questions...

Firstly, it appears that my front lights don’'t work. I don’t mean my pop up head lamps, the little white ones on my bumper.

I’ve tried every setting for the lights on the turn signal switch thing, but that doesn’t seem to help.

Next question. I no longer have my rear antennae and whenever I start the car, or shut it off the motor that raises and lowers the antennae runs for a few seconds. How can I remove this? Since I no longer have the antennae I no longer have a need for the motor. I just figure it’s draining my battery.

Any and all help is greatly appreciated. :smiley:

Was your EBrake on? Disengage the Ebrake and see if they turn on. If not just replace the bulbs.

The antena motor is on the left side on those right?
It is on mine, and all I had to do was pull the trunk liner (plastic clip on stuff) back far enough to reach my hand in there and unplug the motor. It has a little clip that you squeeze and pull or something like that. Really easy, take you like one minute.

when you were checking for the lights was the car running?

Ya, I’d agree with checking the bulbs if you haven’t already, the nimrod who was the first owner of my 240 had one totally blown (was initally the wrong size) and the other was burned out

Uhhh the car wasn’t running, and I don’t believe the Ebrake was on. I’ll check again later. . I’ll unplug the motor then.

Thanks guys :drinkers:

ya those lights are only on when the car is runing lol

Aaah that would explain it. I have never been outside the car when it’s running.

:edit: So I just went out and started my car and tried again. All lighting settings and they still don’t work. Do I have to be moving?

was your e brake on? if so turn it off and try again if it still doesnt work your lights are probably burnt out

I’m parked on a slant otherwise I would. I’ll check it out at the barbecue.

perhaps the last owner pulled the drl fuse