Two strokes on the streets of baltimore

lol lol el oh el

the one dude looked like alvin and the chipmunks with his shirt about a ft. off the ground

black people are so much cooler than white people.

and they don’t give a fuck.

lol i love the old lady concerned with someone stepping out in front of a dirt bike. lol but not the millions of cars that use the road.


lol i love the old lady concerned with someone stepping out in front of a dirt bike. lol but not the millions of cars that use the road.


I thought the same thing. ^

I was amazed at the pack of them. It’s kinda rad they’re to baller to wear helmets, not sure if someone died yet, it would be really easy at speed.

I have to say those are some sick wheelies, they have style making them look good!

It would be funny to see one of their t-shirts get stuck in their sprocket LOL

i like the ass that put a kid on one with no helmet just to ride in the street. My guess is they will be the first to sue when they get in an accident.

my issue is this guy rams into the back of ur car. he doesnt have insurance and your fucked

i love this shit.


i like the ass that put a kid on one with no helmet just to ride in the street. My guess is they will be the first to sue when they get in an accident.


Agreed. How could the poor kid even stop if he had to?

endos is how they stop sonnnnn! i cant wait till one of them gets there long white tees stuck in a sprocket. sickkkkkkkkkk vid… this is what i couldnt find before, but i found it

lol at this:

newman wins with a family doing a wheelie!

The police should just start ramming them and pulling in front of them every chance they get.

Remember that vid from Spain where the cop pulled right in front of the guy trying to escape on a bike? Yeah, just like that.


The police should just start ramming them and pulling in front of them every chance they get.

Remember that vid from Spain where the cop pulled right in front of the guy trying to escape on a bike? Yeah, just like that.


:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:


Geez doing that on the freeway, its like there are no laws in baltimore, or no enforcement.


I think that was my dirtbike.



I can’t wait to move out of the US.

Canada looks better daily.

Are there any white people in Baltimore?
Just wondering.:gotme: