Type R Problems (Honda People) *COULD GET EPIC*

Gentleman, we’ve hit a gold mine.

Yet another 16 year old know it all jackass. Hoorah!

Lmao you understand I could find a monkey and no not a black person but a legit primate and train them to torque bearings and put the rings on the pistons right?

Oh boy :rofl

Im sad to know that you own a legit ITR and are acting so carelessly
V-Tech ftw

Well if you are such a honda genius you pretty much should have known how dumb it was to increase fuel pressure to take car of a sputter on a Naturally aspirated motor. They already run pig rich.

Total lack of info in this thread. List off exactly what you have as far as motor setup, exhaust, intake, ecu…all of it.

They do make great phones

God speed. Remember he is a professional engine builder at 16

Yeah SDP could learn a think or 2 from him

Yea pretty sure he could show SDP the ropes

so sad for an ITR :frowning:

did you get this car from the Kingston area?

Oh I know. 6.0mHz is some srs juice

:ahh :popc:

In for more.

wanna sell the car?

build competition motors huh? I feel bad for your race team…



Chill, chill, OP is performing cut and paste on Honda-tech sigs, please stay on the line…

Wait, he did not say what KIND of competition… Show and shine perhaps?

Lmao i built motors when i was 16.
That was a couple years ago.
Im not saying im a genius but i do know a good amount.

Could you freshen up my stroker motor for me?