Typical Day at work 4 me


2 story roof what

ever fall off?

Wow that’s Crazy man

so you take pictures off of roofs for a living?

it’s just Crazy i had to post again Just can’t get over it

pfft… 3 story houses in Buffalo in excess of 12/12 with a SS liner on your back.


Be careful. I went down once, my boss grabbed me though. :tup:

What do you do? I can’t tell in the picture: Cleaning, flashing…?

With a trenchcoat. :tup:

lmao fuzzy…i paint…i was painting the eves in that pic. neva went down. been up 35 feet a few times. aint no thing for money.

pffff…houses…try the HSBC center or the rath building or ECMC being on the antenna farm when the mercy flight comes buzzing in.

Commercial roofing or go home :lol: jk slopes are too scary for me…I went off one once and that was the end of that.

I interned at Ciminelli and had to go up on the roof of one of their buildings to take pictures. Roofs are cool.


:word: Its where I spend m-f 8-whenever :slight_smile:

i’ve got pics on my home computer from the top of the niagara casino hotel during construction, that was the highest i’ve been so far.