U20 Build Thread...and now we go old school.

Really enjoyed checking out your project car today … lemme know when you get that motor and we’ll start early one day and work our asses off

Bernie and I hit his machine shop today to do some more bead blasting and although I hadn’t planned on it we were able to take advantage of some pretty cool machine shop tools to drill and tap the second bolt hole.

Here is the bottom with both holes in place. The one that is there from the previous owner is heli-colied.

With some bead blasting and some clear coat you almost can’t tell it was repaired.

And here it is all stacked up…assembly some time later this week.

Very nice!

Looks realy nice dave.

Holy crap…I am starting to turn into Ryan…I hate this car now (Well, okay that is a bit extreme but…ARGGGGGG!)

I dropped off some parts last Thursday night. Drove all the way to Red Deer and back after work to leave the parts with my brother in law.

My brother in law was supposed to deliver the parts last Friday to Lightspeed and then everything would have been done for me to pick up at the end of the day Friday or on Saturday. I had to do this stupid exchange thing because of work hours.

…brother in law decided to take the parts today.

Now they guy doing the work (Jim) is on holidays. F#&k! (beats brains against wall) so this engine won’t go in at the earliest until June 6th.

More updates…been a while.

The engine is back together again!

I have about a million odds and ends to take care of this weekend and this week and hopefully I’ll turn it over some time before the next weekend. I’m trying (but won’t rush it) to hit the EZCC show on Father’s day.

I spent 5 hours last night and 3 this morning messing with wiring. I hate auto electrical especially when I am working on a 40 year old car that had a tool as a previous owner. I was chasing ground faults trying to figure out why one headlight was working but was dim. I tested every associated wire and the grounds from the headlights right back to the fuse box and everything in between (including being a contortionist up under the dash). Long story short…two beautiful bright headlights!

I am doing some final painting on odds and ends and they will start to bolt on the engine accessories.

I’ll post up some pics shortly.

…oh my aching back. :wink:

Oh I know what I was going to ask.

Does anyone have one of those pullers that goes inside a bearing to pull it out? I need to replace the pilot bearing in the back of the crankshaft…forgot to do that earlier.

Couple of engine shots for you…

very nice … drools a little bit

blue? really? lol

Excuse me?


(now there is that whole running thing…stand by)

Congrats Dave

I demand updates! jk … but seriously … i really want to see this thing ie. I feel the need to ride shotgun on a run in that lil roadster

Still a work in progress. Fuel supply problems, electrical problems, carb tuning.

Ah, the joys of car building, lol. Good luck with sorting out the kinks, and hope to see it soon.

Is it bad that all I can remember about carb tuning is one needle then the other…

Keep at it! (and some pics?)

Way more effen complicated than that :wink:

I’m installing an electric in-line pump and regulator in the next few days. I think I have the electrical issues fixed but as it has been going the fix may be temporary (ghost in the machine).

With the first two done I hope the tuning will be relatively quick.

Well…it has been a loooooong time since I updated the post.

The electric fuel pump is in and the mechanical removed and opening blocked off. The car is running. I am still having trouble getting it to idle but I need to get some different jets for the carbs so I will be driving it as is for now. The electrical gremlins continue to come and go (grounding issue) but screw it, the winter is coming so I want to get a few weeks of cruising in before it gets too cold.

I’ve got 175 miles on the car now and maybe another 75 - 100 or so and I’ll change the oil. I have taken it very easy on the car up to now due to the issues so far but at this point with them sort of worked out and the distance gone so far I will be a bit more aggressive with the RPMs.

Oh and I have an effen oil leak and can’t find it!!!

I’m taking it out for a run in about 20-30 minutes. Reply here quickly if any of you are going to be around and want to check out the car (it isn’t all that great but thought some may be curious).

Shit, was taking a nap, lol. Maybe next time.