UB North Lockdown

Heard something about a guy with a rifle spotted?


pistol -> shotgun -> rifle… -> Bazooka?


www.buffalo.edu is down…

dun dun dunnnnn

lol well played…

Chinese assault hacker? First they plaster a broad into a wall and then this?!?!?! Has the invasion allready begun?!?!?:tinfoilhat::shoot:

"The University Police have determined that Lockwood Library and the academic spine are safe. Students can circulate around campus.

North Campus Libraries remain closed.

North Campus classes remain cancelled for the rest of the evening.

Thank you for your attention."

So it was a hoax?

Latest rumor is some security lackey thought he saw a man walk into the library with a gun on a video feed.

Then we get reports of UG girls taken hostage and Twitters of “OMG I SAW TEH GUNMANN!”

I am just glad it was today and not tomorrow. I am normally in lockwood around that time on wed. and match the description I heard on the radio.

False alarm. This was the last campus alert sent out:

Office of the Provost <ub-announcement@buffalo.edu> to UB@listserv.buffalo.eduFeb 16
At 7:45 PM tonight the UB Police Department completed their search of Lockwood Library and no suspicious person was found. UB Police say that there is no threat to the campus.

The Library will remain closed for the evening. UB Police will be available until 9:30 p.m. tonight to escort any student or staff member who may have left belongings in the building.

At about 4:03 p.m. today, University at Buffalo police responded to a call of a suspicious person seen entering Lockwood Library, possibly with a gun.

Police responded and began conducting a thorough search of the six-floor library. The area was evacuated as a precaution and the campus was notified to avoid the area at 4:40 p.m. Officials announced at 5:40 p.m. that classes and activities on the university’s North Campus were cancelled for the evening. During this event the Buffalo Police assisted by patrolling the south campus and Amherst Police assisted UB Police with the search of the Library.

“The safety of our students, faculty and staff is always our primary concern,” said UB Provost Satish Tripathi. “The university’s campus alert and emergency response was enacted quickly and appropriately. Police patrols will be increased on the North Campus.”

All classes and campus activities will resume normal schedule tomorrow Wednesday morning.

The university will continue to provide information to students, faculty, staff and the public on its web site http://www.buffalo.edu, as well as through email and text messaging.

Conducting a search in a 6-floor library for a gunman sounds really exhilarating, he could be hiding in any study nook or aisle… :run:

At least I got to see one hilarious things on channel 2’s coverage last night.

That really fat UB cop pulled his car up right in front of channel 2’s camera so all of WNY could watch him roll out of his crown vic then waddle into the library. I guess there is no physical fitness requirement for campus police?


^ Made even more exhilarating when your fellow officer charges ahead and then starts sweeping aisles back toward you, so that should a gunman be found hiding there you’re now in a serious crossfire situation. I guess UB/APD don’t get tactical training or play R6 with friendly fire on. :lol:

A) It was just like 3 years ago when someone with a rifle was “spotted” on campus and it turned out to be someone with architecture drawings under their coat

B) Frats are still playing assassin and someone can’t tell the difference between a nerf gun and a real one.

LOL @ how I’m in Lockwood right now and it’s completely empty other than like 15 or 20 people rather than the usual 600ish.



Yea, he’s huge. I always thought that you’d have a chance of stealing his car, gun, and laptop if it was under his chin.

I saw the video on 2, it looked like they would have walked right into the line of fire.