UB Peeps: Anybody work out at Alumni Arena Gym?

Might be looking for some workout partners soon to help me stay more motivated. Do you go, and if so about what time?

i work out at my apartment resort…i can have upto 2 guests work out with me

alumni is super crowded with hot chicks if you didnt know, so in case you were on the fence, that should motivate you into working out with rx3


Cancelled Bally’s membership. Long story short, they pissed me off, and customer service snafu happened with one of the front desk workers that finally pushed me over the edge.

Besides, why should I spend $350 a year when UB now has the same equipment and I can go for free?

FUNK DAT! (you know the song)

rick…go to golds…u live pretty much down the street…and i go there…

I go there, but I need to buy another pass…not sure on my schedule yet though…I will let you know.


^^^^shut up…don’t act like you don’t love it

Fuck Gold’s, they wanted $150 more per year than Bally’s. :tdown:

hm, i go out to alumni just about every day around 2pm despite my membership to the downtown BAC cause they have leathery old people and lots of notties

lol…i only pay i think $220 a year…:snky:

hmm… weird… the only “chicks” I saw in there were the stupid ones from long island who work out for 4 days before spring break…

I’ll keep you posted tho rick… I may have a free membership to bally’s for me, from someone special… but if that falls through I will pay the 150 a year or whatever it is to go to UB.

IT’s free if you’re a student.Did you graduate already?

yea man… : P … what you mean already? 5 year plan son! … :lol:

You’re a student

lol…no i’m not…i’ve been out of school for a while now

Oh yeah? when you signed up what were you…


You can hold skunk to too much. . .hes night quite all there in the upstairs department.

I am thinking about joining World, 24 hr Mon-Thurs>my schedule. I am currently at Village Glen, but thats all oldies for the most part.

I don’t know if I can get into the gym since I work with UBPD. . .I should try sometime!