UFC Fans! Couture vs Lesnar Saturday

sorry, I didn’t mean mass, I was thinking height/reach.

look at that pic, lesnar is a BEAST compared to him and 60lbs is huge, I bet thats 1/4 of his weight.


I agree I like to see Brock win. You can watch it here for free…


Randy weighted in 220, Lesnar at 265

Randy came in light for this fight. I’m sure that has to do with his game plan. Can’t wait for this!


i hope you know brock will actually be fighting at around 275 280…

what time do you guys think that fight will start?

None of the links on that site are working for me. Working for anyone else?

edit- nevermind, the 1st one is working.

its 50/50

mmashare.com has a live stream


I have a pretty good feed I’m watching:


Maia is the shit

MMAHACKS.com is a very smooth feed. Brown’s armbar was silly. :slight_smile:

insane jits

good fights so far

I think the beard had a lot to do with the victory. that was a serious beard.

To those of you streaming: what link are you using? The one I was using earlier got booted, and now I’m watching a terrrrrrible feed.


Couture/Lesnar is about to start

After round 1, i think couture seriously has this. brock is already winded. amazing, i really hope it keeps going this way


brock wins, ko 2nd, hit him with bombs