UFC Fans! Couture vs Lesnar Saturday

Couture got hit on a shiatsu pressure point; that fucking hurts! My shiatsu instructor demonstrated a SUPER mild blow on that point on a student, litarally a moderate tap, (probably violates every rule in the book), and the guy was out of it for the rest of the day.

It was actually pretty hilarious.

So many great fights on this card and it ended with a huge :tdown:

Oh well. fedor would annihilate brock. :slight_smile:

that was a good damn fight!

on a side note…I did not know that Lesner and Sable where together…wtf?..kinda awkward imo

Please do not take this extremely manly thread and turn it into some celebrity gossip bullshit, fucking mo.

good for brock he’s got some serious potential

He does. I’m glad it wasn’t “simple” for him though. a 45 year old had him sweating for a few there. No arguing the fact that he just earned the title though, that’s for sure. Although it is said that you aren’t the champion until you defend it.

I wonder what dana is gonna dig up to throw at brock for the first defense.

I’m guessing you don’t follow the sport?

Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira Vs. Frank Mir for the Interim World Heavyweight Champion December 27th then Brock will fight them to unify the title

Brock looked like he learned a thing or two since his last match. As much as I hate to say it, I think he is a serious MMA fighter.

What did he learn?
Last fight he punched and kneed and on the ground he hammer fist and knees with no other ground game to speak of.
What did he do differently?
Randy held his own on the ground and stood up without much effort.

I agree he is getting better, but what was the thing or two that you saw in this fight which was a clear improvement?

His cardo needs help, he was winded in the first round.
Hopefully someone with some Brazilian can find minnesota on a map and go help him with his ground game.

I think randy deserves the biggest props in the world. I would like to note that randy was not knocked out, but could no longer defend himself (TKO), like he said in his pre-fight interview “Brock will not break me”

He could has won that fight had he kept to his game plan that he used agains Ganzaga (refer to BigRon’s vid he posted earlier). He could have kept up that clinch and kept wearing him down. I think he realized he COULD actually stand toe to toe with him as seen for a good chunk in the 2nd round. He clinched again, split (after a great knee by brock), and instead of running back in to clinch, he decided to stand toe to toe again which resulted in what looked like to be a not very well planned hit into randys temple.

Brock was very classy in his victory which I think does show that while he may not have the veteren experience one would expect from being the champion, but he sure does have the right attitude.


Heres the fight divided into 3 segments, middle vid has the 2nd round.

Well, I’m going to go cry myself to sleep. :frowning: Randy was doing pretty damn good in there too. Everyone was screaming when Couture almost took him down.

I generally do, but I have been absent from all of it pretty much since the last Brock fight.

But that news certainly builds the anticipation. I’d like to see how far Brock can take this.

My internet feed cut out before i could hear Brock’s post-fight interview… was he a douchbag, or did he actually speak humbly?

I agree that he has no offensive ground game but his ground defense has greatly improved. He did not make any stupid mistakes that cost him the fight. He kept his arms and legs away from getting trapped.

:frowning: damnit. i left before the fight started.

I agree but the Mir fight was 2 fights ago, I saw nothing different from the crazyhorse fight.

Yeah we were going crazy.
Then he tried to climb on his back and brock just grabbed his leg and tossed him. I loved the first round.


the vid for anyone who missed it

It was an OK fight I suppose. I’d like to see Brock cut his weight down a bit so he lasts longer. 285 is just too much to move.

fight was decent… just wish it didnt end so quick. kinda upset that couture didnt win

brocks knees were brutal