
Dr. Douglas Moreland! “the best there is!” Yeah I settled my comp case last year cause my Comp lawyer who’s a dick “Sandford Clark” said I cant do no more, So i got $20,000. after all the deductions. Shitty part of that is that my insurance wont cover this next surgery cause of it. lol But I called Kenneth Hiller today and they are suppose to contact me in the near future to talk it over.

And Ton. Thanks, But I cant have that man. I’m just not that type person to take like that. Ya know what i mean?

Hey man sorry to hear about everything, i guess i really can’t begin to understand what you are going through but i sort of have some insight. About 6 months ago a very good friend of mine was in a pretty bad accident and he is now a C5 incomplete quadrpalegic. I’ve known him for 20 years and i have never been closer to him than i am now. I see him almost everyday and everyday things get a little better. He is very lucky because his spinal cord was not severed, just kinked but there was very serious nerve damage that left him with only the movement in his right arm and limited movement in his right hand. He also has expressed to me that if it wasnt for his 5 year old daughter, he would want to finish things off now. I just want you to know that i pray for him every day of my life and i will now pray for you as well. God bless and let me know if there is anything you need, i am always willing to help.

So I’m sitting here Pondering in Pain this morning, Wondering, Since I’ve settled my case with the Insurance company and Workers Comp. Can I re-open the case seeing I have to have More surgery due to my Original injury in 2000?

Well Actually My upper back is fucked because of my lower back. I favor the upper back more so thats why my upper back is screwed.

Hmmm. That would be awsome If I could.

If they deemed this a permanent injury, and you accepted a settlement previously, you may not be able to man, but I can check into that for you.

sorry to hear about that man… I know how it feels living with chronic back pain (but I don get any meds :(). I’m not to the same point as you though, I’d think… I hope everything works out for the best. Hang in there… every cloud has it’s silver lining

My mother had a benefit thing for her breast cancer and it worked out great. It was not a “pity party.” Everybody got together and had a great time. Drinks, band, etc. Really brings everyone together. It is a good idea…

Yeah but dont ya have to flip the bill for these partys? Kinda hard to do that if Im tapped out

Well. I’m going back to work because we just need the Money. Wifey has held the Balls in this family for so long due to my Back but I finally just get Fed up with it yesterday and said Fuck it. Went to one of my old employers and asked for my job back. And just that fast I got my Full time job back! So I’m gonna be in some MAJOR pain cause standing for long times suck, But Being I’m a Male and would make more for the Family. I need to swallow all this pain, Suck it up. And get to work and make the bread and butter so we can get out of this Life we live right now! I cancelled my surgery because of this so I’m hoping that after a Good year or so. Maybe my muscles will just get used to it and I’ll just have Slight pain “We hope at least” Then maybe I can get into a Gym and work on this Pasta and Chili gut I have! Lol. But the Wife is Happy. I told her to call her work and tell them she’s not coming back from her disability “from giving birth” And like wow. I thought a Women gets happy when ya ask her to marry ya. I think that one took the Cake!

you know, things would be so much easier on you and your family if she kept a job too…2 jobs = more money = easier on the wallet.

But as I said before, you have some brass balls to just deal with it the way you do. :tup:

yeah but with the Newborn, I watch my one son jamie grow up and she missed it cause she worked so much. Well i think as a Loving husband I should let her enjoy this one since it is her child also!

But yeah. I’m gonna hate and regret doing this. But it’s 3rd shift so it’s quiet and not much to do really. and Its right on harlem which is like 5 street from here and if ever need be, i could walk there in 10 minutes!

Also If she was working, That means baby sitter, thing is, I’m so anal about other ppl watching my children that it just dont happen. I NEVER trust anyone with my kids! Thats just how i am, because if anything would ever happen to them due to the sitters fault! you’s see it on CNN and the 6 O’Clock news!

Wow, if you ever need anything, I live right around the corner and I’m always willing to help out. I know people who have been in similar situations, and I personally am in constant pain although not to your level.

Good luck with everything, especially going back to work and all.

Where do U live? <~~ I’m near Walden and Harlem

I’m on Cayuga Creek about 1/2 mile from JFK HS.

yeah i know where that is! kewl

I hadn’t thought about kidds. that’s a very valid reason to make her quit. :tup:

DJX-static and I live right at walden and Harlem also…what street? it would be nice to know a neighbor or two.


I almost bought a house over there; on that road I think too… wow, small world

I don’t know where that is but it must be pretty close…we live on Wanda Ave

Wanda Is three streets east of me. Right where the Spray N Wash is