
Some of ya know I’m disabled. Not to the point I cant walk or anything. I just can’t work, Lift, Sit long, Stand long, Walk long. Have sex to long, lol. the list goes on and on. I had surgery in 2004 which was MAJOR recontruction surgery and Fusing of my Lower back. I had bone fragments in my Spinal cord, 3 blown disks. So they put rods, screws & cages in my Lower back so it would never again move on me. Well now I have Failed back syndrom because My surgery Never took! My L2 OR L3 disk “Forgot which it is” Is not even there anymore praticaly due to degenerative Disc desease. Well now I’m all fucked again cause now my Upper back is fucked. I cant bend to much or twist because yet again, I have a blown disk in my Sholder area that when it hits right, It peels me off the floor! I take Hydrocodone “Narcodic pain killers”, Been taking them now for about 6 years. Have to go in to do thsi Bull shit again and have my upper back fixed. So that another Year of recovering from that surgery. The wife just had another kid so shes on Disability till the end of April and the bills keep just gettin higher and higher. Honestly I’m to my Breaking point. People owe me money and they dont pay thats one of the reasons I’m selling my car. Mind you that I dont collect a Cent from anything, I supposably make to much to get disabilty insurance “Like to know how” And Im not abou to get help from Social services cause they tend to screw ppl alot and I’ve been screwed to much already. Its just really tough for me right now and the only way I try to make myself better about it is by lettin this all out somehow. So dont mind me at all, But any advice is helpfull! Dont know if any of you ppl have ever gone through this or not, But its HELL! I take 6 different meds now due to all this crap. Its caused me to take anti depressants that Hardly work, I never get sleep anymore, Im Always in pain.

Just Life Suxs 100% right now. And if it wasnt for my two children, I would have taken care of the pain long time ago.

Sry for all the typo’s but Im not looking up at the screen, Im just typing away!

wow man im really sorry to hear that. my hats off to your strenght and drive to continue to deal with the pain. i hope something can be done to make it better

Stay up man. I know shit ain’t easy, you know the heart problems I have to deal with so I know what you are going through. I have looked death in the face a few times, and it is scary. Do what you can to try to support your family. I think you should consult an attorney to help you try to get disability insurance though, that’s for sure. Something just does not seem right about that. Everyone copes in different ways. Do it the best way you know how. You don’t really share all the details to many things so I don’t know the extent of the situation, but if u have not already consult an attorney on the disability if you cannot work at all. I know it’s a long fight, but you might see better results.

yeah I called one today!

:tdown: I have a lot of spinal and disc problems myself. Not quite as severe as yours but still painful and dibilitating.

Good luck with everything :slight_smile:

Ugh Jeeeze man… sorry

but why did you have another kid if you are in that kinda financial strain…?

not to insult, but it seems a little ludacris.

^ What he said.

have a beer blast benefit party, there’s always flyers around so. buffalo for benefit parties to help people in similar situations. You’d probably have an awesome turn-out if nyspeeders spread it around.

Oh man that sucks! didn’t know that

How did you hurt your back? if you dont mind me asking

Sorry to hear man. I don’t know exactly what you’ve been though, and I can’t relate, but I know you can’t ever give up. I hope things get better for you.

sorry to hear, hope you get better soon and don’t get addicted to those pain killers…

Lol, Yeah i dont drink man. Thats all good though. Party it up. lol.

as for Kids, Well yes thats another story, But no matter the strain i have the children get the best of everything to the best of our ability. Its just I never thought it would get like this!

Sorry to hear about this, my step-dad went through a similar experience with have to get a majority of his discs fused. And the disability took a long time to come through. Definatly not a good situation, and something I would not wish even on my worst enemy.

those benefit parties really do work though, you can make some money to help your family. Have a raffle or something too.

you gotta play with the cards you were dealt. My best friend was diagnosed with having a brain tumor when she was 23. she has had brain surgery, radiation treatment, and will prolly take chemotherapy till she dies at a very early age. and surprisingly she is happy and at peace with her fate. just focus on the positive things in your life cause they are what matter the most.

:tup: on the party idea. Someone distant (in relation, not location) on my mom’s side of the family had a benefit party about 2 years ago. They raised $21k in one night. (this relative had some sort of cancer, and the $$ went directly to paying off treatment bills.)

Good luck on the recovery. Props to the nads to stick around!

yeah I’d do that, But im not one looking for Handouts and thats pretty much what I look at it as! One big Ol’ pitty Party.

Plus There are more ppl out there WAY WAY worse that what I am that could use the help more than I ever could! I’m just lucky to have two beautiful kids and a Wonderful wife to lean on for support!

That positive attitude is very refreshing. Keep it up, and I’m sure you’ll be back up to 100% again. :tup:

i kinda know what you’re going through…i work for a Neurosugeon who works with people with cervical/thoracic/and lumbar problems…i see patients who are in the same situation as you everyday(although i think A LOT of them are faking just to get free money…) it could get better…but it could get worse…do something about it now while your young! good luck with everything & def. consult a lawyer so you can atleast pay your bills off…

if you dont’ mind me asking, who was your surgeon?

Ok. Guys I wanna help Shawn out. What I’d like to do is arrange donations through Paypal. Please send donations via Paypal [email=“”] Shawn helped me out last year when I really needed it, and he is willing to help anyone even if he does not have much. A benefit party is something difficult to plan, so taking donations would be much easier to manage. Let’s help him any we can. If you cannot donate maybe if anyone can refer him to a good attorney who practices in Social Security Disability would be appreciated.

As he mentioned above he is on disability, and his wife just had a baby 2 weeks ago. Let’s help our fellow NYSpeeder out!

If you are interested in making a donation or have questions feel free to PM Me.

P.s. If you are not interested in donating, please no negative comments, no one is required to participate.