Ugh DL-DVD write errors....

I bought this drive a month ago: Link and this media . I have burned about 10 “back ups” with no problem just using 2.4x and back up creator. I tried to burn a new back up and got a write error. Thought, maybe just the dvd is a coaster. Burn a new one and seems to be fine until i went to play it and the voices would cut in/out, you could only hear sound effects and the dvd would become unreadable at load screens randomly. I double checked the file and it matched up perfectly. Also made sure the most up to date firmware was on the dvd drive. Thought maybe it was just the program, and tried to burn it with IMG burn instead and got another write error.I tried reburning a old image that i already knew worked flawlessley. Burned fine but when I went to play it, the audio was off from the captions and then eventually froze after several minutes. I tried burning a regular dvd for shits and it had no problems writing or playing.

is it possible I have had 4 bunk DL-dvds in a row or should i contact lite-on for warranty work as I am 2 days past the newegg return policy. I used to hear a roar in the drive like it was taking off before writing, thought it was just normal noise, but now its no longer there…